
I live in a world where my San Marzanos have the appropriate acid content (or a little high and need that wrangled in) for tomato sauce. Though seasoning is generally implied in these pieces as well, since you would never want to serve food that you haven't tasted either.

If you're using San Marzanos and making a red sauce, you shouldn't need to work on upping the acid content, we're making an Italian sauce not ketchup.

I imagine Albert dressed in an apron and with some kind of hair helmet while writing these articles, possibly looking for his black beauties and the cooking sherry.

That is quite a gamble for Sony though, buying a company with a semi-viable product (at the time), with no intention of using them until years later? That being said, they may have been doing stuff for PS Store and other digital titles as well. Streaming games has been a working function that even the last gen

I am actually kind of surprised that EA would allow a property to be abandoned. Not "let it rot in our protected vault until we turn it into a mobile game to keep our franchise rights" but just let it totally die.

Who wouldn't be, it has mallets, plastic, beating, and even a needle filled machine you jam your meat into.

I skimmed the article a bit but couldn't see, did the club itself work or was it just another golf gizmo did didn't work? If so it rings eerily similar to the story of "The Dale" (a car) and how the scammer was a con artist who was undergoing gender reassignment (originally, when I heard about it the con artist was

I always hesitate to add the CFS into the conversation because the cooking method differs slightly in regards to breading as well as having to swiss the meat rather than pound it with a mallet.

It's the 'merican way of saying it. If I recall, the Austrians, Germans, and Swiss call it Schnitzel, the Italians call it Scaloppini, and in Japan it's Katsu.

That works too, just don't forget to lubricate your plastic wrap with a little oil, that helps with the pounding too.

You can buy SMs in various forms but part of the reason most recs start with whole is that it is theoretically more logical to have the base form of canned tomatoes on hand than 8 different varieties. It also gives you the power to do things like remove the seeds, which can make a sauce bitter.

Very true, even though Sony did buy out Gakai, they really didn't do much with the service on the last generation. This gen, that might change, but for now it is a huge risk that may not pan out.

Hey, if the temps drop below 70 at night we are required be law to burn every stick of wood we can find, sure they may be historic mansions, but the law is the law.

Very true, one thing that might boost the OR is if they are going to be able to support consoles, since gamer accessories like this would possibly work well with many existing franchises.

I've never heard of that sauce, what do you use it for? It sounds like something you would use on a cabbage roll or something eastern European.

I do a baked (start it on the stove and finish in the oven) snapper similar to that, but rather than a marinara/red sauce it uses a sauce of chopped tomatoes, onions, green olives, capers, and jalapenos.

For sure 3D is a novelty, one big issue is that it has limited utility outside of games and 3d work. Even then, I would imagine it has limited use outside of checking work in engine since it would have to be a real strain on the eyes.

One of the ways that many people have trouble with pounding meat (ha!) is that they only go straight down when they hit the mallet/pounder to the chicken. The secret is to slide it a little as it hits so that it attains even thickness.

I am never negative... unless you're wrong.

One of the secrets that restaurants have (at least the little ones that aren't endless pits of sadness known as "The Olive Garden") for their chicken/veal/bum meat parm is that after they fry it, they quickly top it with hot sauce and the cheese and fire it under the broiler. This allows the breading to stay crisp and