
Depending on the sport, California's worst enemy is California (such as the USC/UCLA/Stanford rivalry).

Oh it wasn't a service issue (I love staying at it, but mostly because it is literally right across the street from the office and reasonably close to SF so I can get dinner in the city), just no bellhops... I am assuming they have bell service, since that is pretty standard to have.

To say that "no one" on the development side has ever shared that sentiment is pushing it since money is the lifeblood of all studios. Fans are always important, but then you must ask which fans are the most important to keeping the money flowing in? Do you go for core who are very devoted, small in numbers, and can

I have not set up a KS campaign before, do you by any chance know what criteria they have for people? Aside from scammers, there are some major concerns the government probably has (if they are fully aware of the site) since any company that takes and gives out money as a business without being a financial institution

Certainly, but the backlash would be mostly toothless, and the mob would forget about it two weeks after they announced the project was cancelled. That is if they even announce the project is dead, they simply could walk away with no message and rely on everyone forgetting.

I think a big part of the naivety is that the donors don't understand what their backing entitles them to and may even misinterpret it as a sale site and the developers forget some major factors when budgeting their projects. I wouldn't be surprised if people forget things like taxes, the cut that the payment system

I would imagine the pressure isn't as great though since the backers aren't really backers/investors. Failure to deliver is met with boilerplate "You understood the risk when you donated to this company" from the KS people and no legal recourse.

Most of my hotel experience is traveling between offices on business trips between my place's two offices, the Marriott I usually stay in clearly sees the biz travelers coming though since their rates are always exactly the same regardless of the week and unless you're staying for at least 4 weeknights, you won't be

I always seem to miss the bellboy, whenever I show up to a hotel all the bellstaff are gone. I don't usually carry much but I would still gladly tip them if they were offering their services.

Oh those boxes are awesome and weird at the same time. Every week they have a guy come in with an armed guard from the shredding company (as well as one from security) to take away our documents to be shredded. Some of it is important stuff related to upcoming projects, but nothing I would ever consider worth anyone

Oh, you mean "Bribe", I've done that in Russia and Mexico and agree it does let you into some awesome places.

So, when you give the tip to the police officers... do they refuse it or what? I do kind of have a problem with tipping them since they are highly paid (at least here), and have a pension so heavy that it hurts the state.

I always assumed it was the douchebags that hovered around the golden tee machines at dive bars.

Oh, I figured as much since they backed down. A friend of mine who is in IT (and getting fucked over by his company) had a similar scenario but he had to leave it and even unblock stuff from the filter because this guy was BFFs with the CEO and they would have ended his job then and there.

Getting a frantic 3 AM (local time) phone call from my boss because the internet on one of her pile of old computers wasn't working, I was on vacation in Europe at the time and not exactly interested in flying for 10+ hours to fix her problem (plus, we have an IT dept). I told her it was probably the Ethernet cable

It is a bit of a game of chicken when that person who is threatening to report you is also a higher up (such as a VP), which sucks because it further cements that rules become flexible the higher up your rank.

With monetization, there is a real art to making it work for the game. You need it to be purely cosmetic or have it be an option but not a requirement to advance in a game. Some games throw on the difficulty, like candy crush, but you can always take the time penalty/replay levels over and over without ever paying out

You mean "Johnny Guitar" sandwiched by 30 repeats of "Big Iron".

He forgot the parsley sprig.

For two you say...?