Of course you want one that can communicate, it would be a very one sided relationship. Just like in Fallout, Ghouls are thriving pillars of the community working in security, politics, entertainment, and even the adult entertainment industries.
Of course you want one that can communicate, it would be a very one sided relationship. Just like in Fallout, Ghouls are thriving pillars of the community working in security, politics, entertainment, and even the adult entertainment industries.
Either that or this music video...
I don't judge, but clearly you totally are against it. What next, a ban on interracial romance? I say let the living and undead love!
The more important question, can you make out with a zombie?
Do you not like green peppers or do you not like bell peppers? If you only hate the green ones, then you can just use ripe bells (red, yellow, orange, purple, white, etc.), but if you hate bells then I would say try cherry peppers or other sweet ones if you want that slight pungency.
That tip is also a good one for when you grind meat (no, get your mind out of the gutter) since it keeps the temp lower so that the grinder won't heat the meats up too much.
If you have a Vietnamese community in your area, they also will have the thin sliced beef (usually rib-eye as well) on hand at the markets for those who use it in Pho (or the Japanese who use it in shabu shabu).
Yeah, if you don't use provolone you are a god damned heathen. The best advice I ever got when going to Philly (aside from, do not go there) is that the best cheesesteaks are anywhere but Pat or Geno's.
Now we just need some cretin to make both AB's cheesesteak and whatever the fuck that is and have a blind taste test. If AB loses, he will have to bleach his hair and if he wins... I'm not sure yet. I guess we could hunt down Guy and let Albert shave his head.
Mayo and lettuce on a cheesesteak? I am not sure, I will need to try it. It seems like we would be venturing towards burgertown at that point.
He probably would, the place I was at was basically one big substance abuse problem considering the large quantity of liquor, beer in the fridges, and large numbers of people with flasks. I am not even sure why so many people were stressed, it all seemed self-imposed.
Considering this was a legit use and there is no win, I would say it still counts as being dry. Now if you start pouring it in your coffee, using it as an ice cream topping, or have a cold for the next several weeks then we would have to look at the judgment again.
Why do I get the feeling you, at some point during this exercise, will be asked to proof drunkspin articles?
The one problem is that even when they make drops better in co-op, there is nothing stopping me from shooting my co-op partner in the back when their purpose is fulfilled.
Hmmm... when I do it I use extra sharp cheddar and gruyere, for the added kicked, and I generally do not let any other liquid than milk enter the sauce otherwise it starts to fight with the cheese flavor. I will have to try your stuff out, but I am not going to change the cheese blend!
I don't think I've ever tried it with a dark roux, I may let the butter get some browning but I never let it get to gumbo darkness. Any notes on flavor difference?
Does the system also have any means of preventing the driver from locking their keys inside the car while parked? I was at the gym today and a mother called 911 (it wasn't hot out, but they were still panicked) because she accidentally locked her kid in the car. If she had something that would have prevented the…
When I need to clean my seat belt (all those electrolytes can build up and leave something like a hard water stain) I found that the best way to keep the belt extended during drying was to have it wrap around the bottom of the seat. Also, one of the common tips for belts is to scrub it with a board of some sort…
Nice, a standard cheese sauce that you could also use to make macaroni and cheese.
Sometimes people go way overboard when they make their bloody mary mix, loading in things like avocado, onions, other vegetables, oyster juice, etc. and it gets to the point that they are making a damn gazpacho or some thick version of V-8.