Three pints.
Three pints.
I see no Hoppin' John on this menu, this party is not only racist but bullshit at the same time!
The problem with a lot of places is that they don't change their menus regularly, people also demand the products all year, so you end up with canned crap. The boil in bag is just a symptom of chain places since it is cheaper to have a central kitchen pump out thousands of servings in a single shift rather than paying…
No worries, the really fucked up part is that ever since I did the simple fix (the guts transfer was mostly to put it in a slim-line case for them to use as an HTPC) it has run better than when it was brand new.
I bought one as a gift to someone around 2009, and it worked great for a while but it was plagued with issues stemming from Dell's/Alienware's cheapness. The HDD had a firmware issue that the maker fully took the blame for and was offering free repairs to unbrick the drives, Dell refused to authorize it and the…
Not so much a speech as a performance art piece on the consumer nature of the American. Either that or he didn't come to rehearsals.
Pretty sure, if you look at their photos, they did it for the PS4 and XB1 (in addition to PC)
I think the only reason people don't build more is that many see no need for it, and others may be scared off by the prospect since doing it for the first time can be quite scary since stuff can break.
It could be a little bit like Ripper meets the Thing meets Clue?
I am almost positive my former workplace was filled with low functioning alcoholics. Especially when I would come in and find people's desks with recorked bottles of wine and dirty glasses. Though I could probably put more blame on them being there for longer than they need be.
Good god I am all over the spectrum on that, I guess that it averages to about dead center. At least it is all on the high turnout side since most of those on the low turnout appear to be stuff I wouldn't use to start a fire.
Technically that has nothing to do with the publishing side, just the retail sales. It is absurd how they will create a pre-order page for a title even if they have no idea on what the price will be, release date, or even have approved key-art (such as with the AC 4 Henry Rollins mixup).
Or a long form of marketing for the titles to get them imprinted in your brain so they can cue them up later on.
Usually the only ones that aren't very good are the ones prepared by people who don't cook a lot/at all, but even then it was nice they wanted to participate.
You would think that if he missed so spectacularly it would include his entry into the anal canal rather than the vaginal vault.
I know, it's like 60 outside here in So Cal. I went out trying to shop, found nothing I wanted on sale, went home and found it drastically reduced online.
Oh, I always use toasted in the filling, sorry I thought we were still talking about frying.
I wouldn't because the smoke point is too low. Treat that oil more like extra virgin where it is a condiment rather than a cooking medium.
If I recall, he actually did get billed for it, probably didn't have his transponder handy so he had to pay the bitch rate.
True, wasn't thinking about the party/mass service element. When I make them (they freeze beautifully as well) I am only cooking a large pan's worth for about 3-4 people.