
It must be having some effect, if I recall, Sea World (the company) has seen an average 25% drop in revenue since the documentary came out.

I expect this to be entered into evidence by the defense at this person's patricide/matricide/fratricide trial.

It's Denmark, pretty much any job is a great paying position since there are so many benefits and high minimum wage.

Pretty much, I don't think Koch even sued for the downtime they only sued the one guy they caught participating for the security consultant fees and I think repairs, which was almost 400k on it's own.

I usually do my own because not only is the food at the local cafeteria crazy expensive, but it's also terrible. If I do buy my lunch I have to leave the property just to find something edible.

Is it "The other other other white meat"?

The real question, which size shot glass and what shape?

To you as well, I still need to finish up party stuff here. At least I have about 10-12 hours left until it starts.

I know, right? It's like, no one has any problems affording coverage since the US did away with private insurance and went single payer. Even the GOP loves how they can now get free morning after pills for when they go to town on a staffer.

Nah, you have to use interns to hang them up, since they will be gone in 6 months and not be on the company insurance, it's ok to let them catch pathogens.

I forgot about that one thing... pretty much unless you're in some form of sales/relations, you probably have a nearly unused box of the things in your desk.

I would imagine it is like borrowing an article of clothing, just give it a quick shake and spray it with some freebreeze and it's good as new.

I miss those tacky fucking places, it felt like you were stepping into a bad kung-fu movie. Now your choices are the panda express crap, the places that serve the old American Chinese food but are decorated like your Asian grandparents place, or the more modern places that have more authentic food but lack warmth.

I posted it in a reply to someone else, but I think Colorware still does custom jobs on anything you send them as long as it can be taken apart. I know my boss has had custom work done by them on a few things he gave away this year.

Oh where is the pin that makes them want to eat at Applebee's, or shop at Old Navy, buy the latest pop album, all in an un-ironic and fully devoted way?

I know it's not exactly cheap, but I would imagine Colorware would be able to customize a NA version of the 3DS for you since they already do it for the XB1.

I have a feeling it will be less Thunderdome more...

Nevermind too terrible to write.

I'm pretty sure that in his case, since his backers are in their late 80's, their cataracts will make the cards hard to read anyway.

Supposedly, it is even more sinister/true to life, while it was never confirmed by Mattel the doll seems to hint that she had an accident while cheerleading. So now she spends her days working on the yearbook and photographing cheerleaders possibly as some revenge plot against that bitch Connie for not catching her