
That is probably why toymakers are also gunshy about doing such things. If they do it, even with an attitude of "profits be damned, lets do it for the girls" someone will find fault. Plus, some disabilities cannot be expressed in doll form in any capacity (such as hearing or possibly even vision impairment), so some

Which then would probably turn some people off to the concept as well. If they made the wheelchair as an accessory it might work out/hurt the bottom line a little less, but then I suppose it would automatically be considered non-canon (though they are children who have no idea what the term means) since none of the

The only ones that stand out for not failing were the PS1 and N64, all the rest were super expensive boxes and Sega fighting itself.

Hacking and DDOS attacks are prosecutable offenses, but the punishments are not necessarily appropriate for the crimes as the law is slow to understand and adapt to new tech.

Except that it is prosecuted in a similar way to hacking, as the man who participated in the DDOS attack on Koch industries can attest.

Perhaps it will catch on better than Share a Smile Becky did with Barbie. The sentiment is in the right place but getting enough people to buy it to keep them in production can be a problem.

Damnit, you broke the innuendo.

Is it a tear-jerker?

Their system seems to be one of vengeance rather than justice, like with Amanda Knox, or the vinyl guys. The conviction for the guys was justified as with a tobacco company but prison terms don't really seem to be a way to fix a health related issue from a product itself.

There is research that shows normal, expected, feeding nadirs during different stages of pregnancy, which go away on their own once you're done. Theoretically, they are hard coded aversions to make sure you don't consume teratogens. But if you acquired one during pregnancy, such as if someone cooked some really

And also show that wearing gloves you find in the gutter is a great way to spread disease.

That and, in the event your tastes are thrown off (which can happen for some women during pregnancy), you wouldn't want to end up giving yourself a food aversion that is difficult to undo.

Now playing

What.... you mean they're not white and don't celebrate Christmas?!

Oh, so he was black?

I will have to try it with different styles, I have enough seeds here to last for a year or so. Usually out here in So Cal the oysters don't get paired with pickled anything it is just sauces. I will need to show this to the folks at Shuck.

I knew about bananas, sports drinks (for the electrolytes), and water, but I am surprised that the others can help too. Now to make almond butter sandwiches to eat afterwards.

For fruit flesh I usually use rice wine vinegar for quick pickles. The vacuum seal is a common technique used for the rinds. I will have to try it on pomegranate seeds since I presently have a glut of them from my tree.

Personally, my best time is right at the start. I think it is because I am not bogged down in meetings yet and the trivial stuff hasn't started coming forth to call for my attention. My workplace really needs to lay off the meetings, I have a few days a month where I never see my desk and that is probably a problem.

They get daily deliveries (they are one of those who use amazon prime like a supermarket), the deliveryman is rarely a different person, and the low crime rate for the city and lots of stay at home wives, make it unattractive for thieves to try and steal packages. So in short, they are fucking nuts.

Do you mean watermelon rind pickles? I love doing that with the ones in my garden.