The only flavored spirit that pairs well with oysters is the herbescent (like Pernod and Absinthe) since the anise flavor goes well with the shellfish.
The only flavored spirit that pairs well with oysters is the herbescent (like Pernod and Absinthe) since the anise flavor goes well with the shellfish.
My neighbors, they are insane.
The only tip missing would have to be hand protection, but other than that oyster knives are the only tool you should ever use to open the guys.
The other benefit is that you would have a variety of accompaniments to choose from so you can find if you are one who likes pristine oysters, a slight tang of mignonette, or a godless bastard who drowns it in cocktail sauce or throws it on a saltine. That and they would shuck it perfectly.
I guess this would be your equivalence of a snuff film.
That is always nice when you can go to an oyster bar and be able to order specific quantities of different varieties.
No, fuck those people who drown it in cocktail sauce or worse, turn them into shooters. Mignonette sauce is great as long as (like with other toppings) you don't drown the oyster in it. Though, not a fan of people who remove them from the shell, place them on a cracker, and drown them in hot sauce either. At that…
You're possibly 80% of the way there for Rockefeller (since the actual recipe is most likely lost to history since the original creator never documented it and his establishment only guesses). I'll grab the pernod you find the spinach! Actually, I should try grilling them to see how they do...
Sauce mignonette or you can go straight to hell. I cringe at people who drown (or even lightly use) cocktail sauce in the same way one would cringe at someone drowning their food in ketchup. We sometimes go during lunch at work to the oyster place and I am a little depressed when I hear people ordering blue points and…
Oh that reminds me of work, the building we have uses a really strong smelling soap in the bathrooms that stick with you for a few mins after washing your hands (it smells like coconut), if someone leaves to use the restroom and doesn't come back smelling of it you have the realization that they didn't wash their…
Does preferring lighter (Not lite mayo bullshit, I mean the real stuff) quantities of mayo on sandwiches count as being an anti-mayo ninnie?
Don't forget his ties to the Guardian Angel. As much fun as his dialogue was, the evil part felt really shoehorned in. If it were not for 3 specific events in the game I would have had major reservations with his ending.
Jack felt like his character was built off of an 80's comedy movie villain. I half expected him to be wearing a polo shirt with a popped collar and the final mission to be a ski competition where winner gets the girl/siren.
They never really did explain that plot-hole (it is really bad in the second game) where everyone but a few characters are able to re-spawn after death. At least in Bioshock they have a semi-plausible explanation since the vitachambers only worked with a few select sets of DNA and in the scene where a major character…
That appears to be Sims FreePlay, where Santa is an asshole who steals your food, macks on your spouse, and steals your kids since 2012.
Now if only there was a tip like that for the ladies who wear that lotion that literally smells like they dumped a bottle of body spray on themselves.
There is one big exception to the tourist spots option during the next 7 days or so (depending on the year), Disney parks. They are going to be slammed and Disneyland out in California frequently reaches capacity during those days and ends up closing the gates to people who are not staying on property or hold an…
The point at which the players elect to equip/un-equip pants?
Because I am you, from the future.