If you don't mind that they lack the label, you can actually buy those jars online. They are usually called 4 ounce yogurt jars. I use them when I want to make some type of custard for a party.
If you don't mind that they lack the label, you can actually buy those jars online. They are usually called 4 ounce yogurt jars. I use them when I want to make some type of custard for a party.
No, I am pointing out the flaws in crowd-sourced funding and how there is no protection for donors. Double Fine was just an example of how things can go off the rails since they didn't properly plan and they do not get a pass on that because they are professionals with ages more experience than most kickstarter…
I have a feeling if you posted a similar flier at a gun range it would not be well received and even viewed with hostility.
It is a weird place, you want to honor them, but at the same time you don't want to give into any false correlation. At the same time, I bet if you posted a flier at a local gun range with the same message of "Lets not fire guns today" they would not be pleased.
I know a guy who could get you some chicken, cheap. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/19/mcd…
Do I want to know what makes them "hot"?
I generally avoid the cake in a jar place they have at the Howard Hughes center in LA. Conicidentally, the elevators there smell like Hughes ghost has been busy.
I was thinking something along the same lines as "did they do it because they were women or because they were new?" I've heard of the equator crossing rituals, which that sounds on par with. For sure punish because it is hazing but I have a feeling gender had no role in the charges.
What is the church's opinion of barrel cacti, sonoran cacti, as well as jungle cacti like pitaya?
You shut your god damned mouth, where else can I play a game that allows me to feel like a manager at a Hilton?
That is nice if he does that, but that is fully optional for him and if he changes his mind later there is nothing the donors can do about it since 90 days had passed and they won't be able to reverse charges. But I suppose that is nice of him to give him what he originally said he would, though that falls in line…
It is grill all the time here in So Cal. Though the charcoal I like isn't carried in the stores all year so I end up hoarding it like some kind of doomsday prepper towards the end of the summer.
From what I understand Howard Huges was also a huge fan of hoarding jars and cleanliness. That would probably be a great "Ask a clean person" article.
Don't forget to boil the beef and never let it feel the direct heat of the pan.
Looks good, you could actually add the mushrooms to the vegetation that you were sautéing earlier, when I make mine I like to have the fungus in the sauce to add more flavor.
I will break this up for ease of response...
I think the one thing that can make the bubble burst is not shenanigans from the project makers, not fake backing, but rather taxes/government regulation. It has sounded like many of these small projects do not understand that the money is not tax free and the people don't budget that into their asks. The government…
There really isn't risk, or at least the same kind since they aren't really backers but simply donors or customers. If they were backers there would be a possible reward based upon how the product performs. With KS, the best hope you can have is that the product is delivered, if it doesn't you are out your donation…
There have been ones that have failed to deliver, in a sense. Such as Tim Schafer's game where his ask was not only met but exceeded and then he noted that the game would need to be broken up into multiple chapters with kickstarters for subsequent titles.
Oh yes, the old "we don't hate the homosexuals but we do hate the homosexual acts" stance.