Very true, I am kind of surprised gyms don't have some form of "time card" like MMOs have. While I was out I had an idea of one acceptable gift certificate, yoga studios but only for people who are already into yoga.
Very true, I am kind of surprised gyms don't have some form of "time card" like MMOs have. While I was out I had an idea of one acceptable gift certificate, yoga studios but only for people who are already into yoga.
I could see birth control being one they could verify if a teacher carried condoms/the pill, or other contraceptives on their person at any given time.
That is actually really surprising they wouldn't throw a shitfit over divorced staff. I could totally see them dismissing over that, and a few of the other things if they had documented proof.
If the scale is the same as lime scale, you can also just boil water in the kettle with citric acid. That is how I descale my electric kettle. The trick is you have to leave it for a while so that the acid can work it's magic.
Hard water? In my electric kettle I just fill it up with tap water and then pour in some citric acid, let it boil and sit. Boil it a few times just to kind of get things loosened. Allow it to sit for a few hours, then dump it out. You will then want to rinse it out by boiling a few loads of water in it.
They actually promote it for use on food touching surfaces, but I still wouldn't do that.
Better title for Boogie Nights...
You could eat the seeds I guess and smash up the terra cotta to use as a soil amendment.
And then she says "Can I exchange it for one in black?"
Gym Memberships
Having purchased said brand of car for myself last year, I can also confirm, they will not give you the ribbon if you ask. Greedy bastards, call those people in the mansion who have an entire room, design sketches, and work area devoted to making bows for cars.
Don't even get me started on Napoli...
Only if you immediately throw it in some donation bin that isn't toys for tots (since they won't serve places that serve undocumented immigrants).
One caveat is that you were at your kid's ballet recital. Then it is not only bonus affection from your spouse but you can pass it off to the bros at work that you like to party.
I had to seriously bite my tongue the other day when I was picking up a prescription. The crazy people were out, refilling their meds, and they were in a long discussion about how they can't fight the NWO (I assume they meant the shift and not the wrestling group) and how they need to hide from it.
Woah woah woah, I am all for responsible glitter handling but we shouldn't enact new laws regarding glitter but rather enforce the ones we have. Actually we should probably get rid of those too and just trust that everyone knows how to properly handle glitter.
You try explaining to your significant other why you have glitter stuck on you. It ruins your relationships and may even ruin you financially if you are married.
I wouldn't be surprised if the ones that accept them also spout fears of "new world orders" and such.
They already do that via bitcoins. Though higher volume dealers will just use wire transfers between untraceable bank accounts.
It is like Saving Mr. Banks, the names/people may be real, some of the events may be partially real, but the explosions and sex were added to make it entertaining.