
They have been really aggressive in their attempts to get mobile publishers/studios to come to their platform as well. They realized they can't simply rely on app makers to come to them on their own.

Semi-related, there was a pretty large scale problem with this in the US many years ago. In his case he was minting counterfeit casino tokens that were exact copies down to the metal composition, and cashing them in. Because token counterfeiting wasn't a crime in every state it also made it very difficult to arrest

Yes, but you need to have a supply of them ready (and refurbished) for the next broken case so the lag time is reduced. Beyond the first cases, they won't be shipping brand new units to them if they are going to have a pile of refurbished ones ready, and considering it is hardware related and not a core failure the

Of course, so while they (Sony and MS) have a small stockpile of refurbished units, it may start shifting from 2 day replacements to longer. Not that it means anything since returning the unit to the store will only mean a refund at best and store credit at worst if the stores are sold out.

For sure they are running, but if they are just trying to keep up with demand for new purchases, then that would be priority one. Once the real bump starts to happen with the defective units (regardless of platform), then you are going to start to see longer waits for replacements. MS running out and the stores

Other than Sony? I don't think so. MS doesn't have a handheld and I think Nintendo treats them as their own world.

What was the press release?

That is good to hear, but I wonder what is going to happen around 12/25-26 when the holiday rush is done and both consoles will have a sudden spike in their active units which means a likely increase in broken consoles but possibly a diminished supply to replace them. It would be bad business to hold back a stockpile

I'm not following the soothing blue light of death that close, but are the replacements coming that fast? I know they worked hard to meet expected demands for the holiday season. If this were the launch of the original Wii, and such an issue existed, I would expect that people would be waiting weeks, if not months,

The bug issues are not what put me off buying launch versions of gaming hardware now, but rather features. For example the PS3 started off with partial backwards compatibility and then shifted several months later (if I recall) to hardware that didn't have it, so when I went to buy my console I was able to get one

That is probably why the only times I ever see it used is in things like béchamel where the sauce is more of a platform for flavors rather than a flavor itself.

I would imagine just allow the exposed... section... be on display near a food and wine festival, and that should get it cleaned off fast.

It might be worth mentioning that when you do the milk and butter for this, you can throw in a few cloves of the roasted garlic and let them steep for a while before adding them to the potatoes.

The only things that eat mashed sweet potatoes are infants who can't digest solid food, you should be roasting those motherfuckers and serving them like baked potatoes.

If you want to show that bitch aunt that you are really better than the dog, you could always go for the potato gratin. Looks/sounds more impressive than mashed but actually takes less skill beyond some knife work. This is from Epicurious and it easily can be halved. I modified the need for whole truffles since not

I thought one of the hallmarks of the HHT was that it was relatively inexpensive? Usually the hot toy is something under $50, which people then go out and buy to flip on craigslist/ebay for many times the retail price.

The one thing that surprises me most about the original rec is that it uses bananas and eggs. With the composition of a banana it actually can be used as an egg replacement in some cases, such as banana ice cream.

Probably the biggest hold ups for other/older characters is that they have to make a design that the franchise people will approve of. Mickey has sort of been cleared since they did one for the people that attended the D23 expo. Another possible issue is that there might not be enough demand for the older characters

As you already found out, it probably doesn't work as written with plantains. The starch content may be too high.

We haven't cooked turkey for Thanksgiving in ages, mostly because we do not need to feed 80 people and also we aren't turkey fans. Usually it ends up being either prime rib or a steak dish like steak Neptune or Oscar.