For me the thing that felt really off was the lack of in game medals that allowed you to go back and play the game with whatever guns you wanted. Not major but it kind of killed the incentive to try and do various tricks.
For me the thing that felt really off was the lack of in game medals that allowed you to go back and play the game with whatever guns you wanted. Not major but it kind of killed the incentive to try and do various tricks.
You're right it is just Live. But what should be of more concern is that, if I recall, you have a steam account banned (for something like cheating), that could block you from playing the games you have purchased. Essentially destroying your collection.
Unless she reads Foodspin, I think you're in the clear to tell her that the fish will disintegrate the second it hits the hot oil.
Sadly, tech like that would not be ideal for kitchens since it would have a large number of crevices to clean.
Considering how slow law moves in regards to new tech, it would take years for them to even open up conversation of considering it prostitution.
No slaw on the side? What is this, Aushwitz? If you made a fucking remoulade, you could use it as a slaw dressing and be classier than that bullshit they serve everywhere.
I'm not sure, some do have interactions with alcohol (such as robo-doping), but if the items contain pseudoephedrine then is a huge market of meth makers that are looking for supplies. Having the names of stores on them might help investigators determine supply chains when they catch individuals.
They have that here with certain supermarkets as well, it supposedly has something to do with keeping liquor stores from buying out all the inventory and reselling it at a higher price.
I think the thing in the bag behind the tubes of unknown origin might be an onion and some kind of pickled carrot next to it.
I did not know that for games they were on the same region list (I think for movies they are on a different region). It wouldn't surprise me if there is a grey/import market with gamers since the wait can be ridiculously long for them.
Is there also a huge market for imported titles in Australia? I know someone here who was bringing stuff into Mexico and could get anywhere from 2-3x the retail price. Since it was just literally a hop across the boarder and he wasn't driving a truck full of consoles in, it went undetected.
I remember, years ago, on a zero punctuation video about how apparently Australia is one of the last countries (along with Mexico) on normal game release cycles.
That and people generally, if I recall, don't recover well from what happened to him in UC2
For sure, the pricing structure is nuts since they are using it to cover those who can't pay as well as for profit. While the totals can go all over the place, once that final bill is submitted to the insurance company, the insurance company dictates the final total and the hospital has to live with it/stick it to the…
As long as her parents are insured and she was still on their plan (if they cold afford it), then she could be covered until 26. So there is hope!
One of the reasons I don't like the idea of changing the rules for insurance back to keeping non-compliant plans is that the penalty is there to help fund (and hopefully transition to) government insurance programs. If people can just get any insurance they want, theoretically I could set up a company that charges you…
Even though I hate the horrible system that US health insurance has become, one positive side about it is that those companies will flatly state (after treatment has been rendered) what they are willing to accept as billing, they pay their portion and bill you for your portion. So you don't end up with the hospital…
Unless she was working over 30 hours per week she wouldn't be entitled to it anyway. Depending on her age she might be on her parents insurance or (since she would have been a student to be an intern) her school may have also had a plan she could use (some schools do some don't).
You can actually buy it (or something similar to it) if you are in the US. Moose Munch (from Harry and David) or the chocolate covered popcorn at Williams Sonoma have been on the market for years.
Just don't buy the plant at the grocery store if you can avoid it. For what they charge for single plants I can buy a six pack or two of the same plant.