
I don't care who is on top, I just want to know what ranks below being hit by a car and who it will send into a bitch-fit.

I have wondered this, ever since I started growing my own wasabi (I will be damned if I am going to pay $20 an inch at the Japanese market), is the stuff in the tube actual wasabi or is it the usual mix of horseradish, food color, and Chinese mustard powder?

Damnit, you win this round. I will have my revenge and it will involve lederhosen.

Finally, a new game to play with my Novint Falcon.

With vulnerability, one must be mindful of the serving temperature. Too hot and it can be mistaken for desperation, too cold and it may just be coy.

Isn't that what all dinner parties are? That and a means to have people let their guards down so I can exploit their positions at a later date.

Everything, if there is no supply of orphan harvested potatoes, then the demand for widow sown beets would not be there and then my dinner party of melancholy would be ruined.

No, no, no... you only blind them when they are harvesting Belgian Endive and mushrooms. It wasn't like they were going to need their eyes while working in darkness.

Because you have their parents plant the purple seed potatoes before they are executed to create the orphans to harvest them, silly.

When I make something like sautéed broccoli, I slice the garlic very thin (think the ending of Goodfellas), that way it has a large enough surface area to stick to the food as well as flavor the oil. If you aren't going to brown the garlic, but want it all in there rather than just flavoring the oil, you could spend

You and I both know that unless your potatoes are hand dug by singing orphans in the shadow of the Peruvian mountains and are only the deepest of indigo in color, they are not worth of goose grease.

I think some people may use too much fat of any kind, but since duck fat doesn't have as neutral a flavor as many other fats it seems more greasy. Like when I make fries cooked in duck fat (on rare occasions where I need to get rid of a lot of the stuff) I use mostly canola oil and add some duck fat in since the

You should try duck fat, if you have any. I use it sometimes when making potato dishes, it does well.

Oh, you will live past 40, you might be hooked up to the same machine that have kept Dick Cheney alive for the past 3000 years, but you will live.

Whenever I make the these for breakfast, I usually use left over roasted potatoes from last night's dinner. I always found they have a better texture than going straight into the pan raw. It might be similar to how French fries need to be double cooked to have the proper texture as well.

For the sauce I usually would avoid syrups and go for a dairy based Whiskey Sauce/Whiskey Crème anglaise/hard sauce. But that is also a little more work than some people would like. The alternative is to just melt down some vanilla ice cream and pour in liquor.

The things that killed AC 3 for me were the story and how regardless of how hard the protagonist worked it was all still going to end poorly. Obviously it was the appropriate ending considering the context, but it still felt neutered. The other thing was that the colonial troops were kind of assholes considering that

How about a cult? Then you can make the parishioners do the work, tithe, and handle the bills.

I wonder, with the concern about military, since consoles are a pretty critical morale boosting item, would they just end up contracting out to some company to break the online capability of the devices? I know the government is super paranoid about various devices being able to reach networks and either ban them or

I don't normally add tomatoes to my stew but that is mostly because I don't want their brighter notes fucking up my beef stew. But, like with masturbation, different strokes for different folks.