
Did... did this “article” time travel from 2002?

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

It’s truly hard for me to imagine looking at a world full of busy people going about their lives and think that something’s wrong with them because they’re not paying more attention to me.


Good thing you didn't click on it

I think I went to school with this guy. As I recall, he had an uncle who worked for Nintendo and knew how to jump over the flagpole in Mario.

Ok there’s a lot of details missing here.

Misleading, the cost of 27 is actually in Euros and the total price winds up being about $37 USD.

Misleading, the cost of 27 is actually in Euros and the total price winds up being about $37 USD.

might as well burn all art and media before the 1980s then

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion when it comes to politics or social politics. Frankly, I find it quite immature to “cancel” someone and disregard all other aspects of their work and life based on a few of their personal opinions. You might as well burn all art and media before the 1980s then, because you

It’s like she’s waiting for that moment to jump out with the gun. Both parties could have walked (or driven)away at any time.

MacArthur Genius Award.

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.

Just a heads up: Gomoku is not Go. They use the same pieces and board, but are completely different games. It was in the DS game as “Connect Five”.

You can defragment a PS4 by restarting in Safe Mode and choosing Rebuild Database.

Every gun is loaded.

Can’t fail the Bechdel test if you don’t have women.

Just when I start to think I have a decent handle on the world, I find out there’s not only a Jeremy Renner app, but also, apparently, an audience for it.

I have this condition. It’s a common symptom of autism, as in my case. I hope this boy can find a way to cope with his condition and I hope he gets tested for autism.

Did you have to go full asshole on him at the end of your reply?