
Well, as someone who had to deal with some real inappropriate “nice” gestures when my dad died, I am just going to stand by what I said.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. My mum calls them “professional mourners”, and we had our fair share after her dad died. If people need to cry, ffs, call anyone OTHER THAN THECLOSE FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Offer to help with funeral (even things like informing other friends, organising lifts, letting others know when

Ooh do you remember where you found that statistic/study? Did they measure all that across qualifying factors like income, region, racial, religion etc etc?

I’m taking a dsst test on psychology of aging and adulthood and one the flashcards said that when men remarry, they typically “abandon” the kids from the first marriage and focus on the new kids more. Whereas women prioritize the kids from the first marriage more if they still have custody.

Some decades ago I heard an old wives’ tale to the effect that all of Rose Kennedy’s children (however many she had—8? 10?) were delivered via C-section. I say old wives’ tale, even though it’s probably true, because it was told to me by an old woman who happened to be somebody’s wife.

Thank you. I don’t drink either but yes thank you I will get stoned before I watched yet another stupid cartoon movie.

And if you have a C-section, your pudenda looks like some guy from ZZ Top . Take a pro tip and trim first (Peanut was born before trimmed pubes really became the standard)

Thanks and congratulations. I was completely unprepared. I didn’t expect to just bounce back, but I had no idea what a post-partum body really looked like. I looked about 6 months pregnant, but my stomach was soft, squishy, wrinkly and heavy, it looked and felt just like pizza dough. It took about three months to look

I cried when I saw my stomach after giving birth. And no, it wasn’t because of hormones, it was a shocking sight

Yep! It wasn’t so much a specialty that I studied it but I studied Victorian Literature and in doing that I spent a lot of time also studying the times and culture of the era. For a major project in one of my Victorian Literature classes we had to do a presentation on an aspect of culture and I did Memento Mori. I had

I love that: you studied post morten photography in college?!

Lol I remember one of the first guys I dated we would get drunk and I’d start explaining makeup to him, once I did makeup on him and he thought it was going to look good but he got drunk eyelinered lol

I know right?!? And there is so much misinformation out there about Victorian postmortem photography and I know this pub crawl guide was just trying to have a little fun with “guess if this person is alive or dead” but I’m sorry lady you just happened to have somebody on this crawl who studied this in college,

When she talks about Caresse Crosby inventing the bra, she went and showed Derek Waters all her bras, so this seems to be consistent drunk habit for her.

My favorite Drunk History is the one where Paget Brewster takes them randomly into her closet just to show them all her shoes. I love it because that’s totally something I do drunk, show people random things I love and school people on random things they don’t give two fucks about and I do it with so much enthusiasm.

My GP straight up told me she won’t give it to me bc I’m pregnant and to ask my OB. My OB said no, she doesn’t do it ask my GP. Can I go to Walgreens/CVS whatever and tell them I’m pregnant or do I just lie and say no? I put it off and now I’m regretting it so much.

As somebody with a compromised immune system, I nicely ask for you to not kill me and please get your shot. <3

My Pembroke Corgi’s nubby docked tail agrees with you. Her parents were both working dogs, so I could understand the need for their tails to be docked, but the breeders knew my little bitch would be living the life of a free loader and would have no need to worry about a cow nipping at her tail. The only positive spin

The thing is though, when you fat-shame Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you’re not *just* fat-shaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You’re trashing the millions of women who look just like her and you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think they hear this shit and don’t take it as a personal blow. It’s no different than people who

This reminds me of that roast of Ann Coulter where so many just resorted to “lol horse face ugly lady” instead of poking at any of the incredibly low-hanging fruit that Ann Coulter offers.