
...the posts were not meant to be public—they were “the result of an ongoing family dispute.

Unpopular opinion coming, but this is not okay.

Like why couldn’t this shit happen when I was in my 20s and had the time and energy to be self-obsessed enough to meticulously curate my life online and get a bunch of free shit for it?? I suppose I saved myself an eating disorder, though.

“There is so little diversity in aesthetic.” This! That’s why I’ve been trying to market myself as a “Plus-sized, Gen X, ginger-haired, Mommy world traveler” myself. So far not much love beyond the fam and friends, but hope springs eternal.

I have a small day bike tour company in a heavily touristed city.

I have to tell most ‘influencers’ that our unmanned facebook page with 1200 followers gets more likes for our once every 6 month random post than anything they ever put up.

“6 people liked my picture of a hotel in Florida, can you imagine what I can do

At our former address, I wrote a scathing and totally earned note (in chalk) about our racist, nazi neighbor’s behavior: on OUR driveway. No cops, but a few hours a later a squad of uber religious right-wingers invaded our doorstep. We ignored them until they went away. But the sheer fury on their faces.... haunting.

“If people don’t want to be separated from their children, they should not bring them with them. We’ve got to get this message out. You’re not given immunity.”

Idiot. These people are refugees seeking asylum. Of course they bring their children.

And they have ZERO evidence that this cruel practice acts as a deterrent.

““If people don’t want to be separated from their children, they should not bring them with them. We’ve got to get this message out. You’re not given immunity.”

Separating a parent from a child is plain evil. Using it as a deterrent doesn’t, under any circumstances, make it justified — it just makes you evil. I can’t believe this is a thing in America.

There is NO GOOD REASON to oppose this legislation.

I am beyond pleased with K’s redemption storyline. She more than deserves it

I have nothing of value to add here except to say I snorted La Croix out my nose when I read your comment so, thanks.

Well I’m in Nashville and I’m not surprised either so it may not just be Charleston.

He is why I no longer watch that show. When he - a convicted drug dealer - was able to manipulate the system to make sure Kathryn failed a drug test while he (very suspiciously based on his on-show behavior) did not, and was given custody of those babies I was done. The episode after the photoshoot last season with

While she’s not the best person and is still going to make mistakes, he has dragged her through the mud and pitted her against his new girlfriend- I hope she gets more of a chance than she’s been given. The idea that his history with arrest(s?) and other antics have been brushed aside when her choices have somehow had

God, he’s so vile.

I swear to God I watch this show with mouth agape that someone like him even exists. The preternatural awfulness, the cliche-Southern-rich-white-boy-fuckface overload.

Whenever my liberal friends are shocked and horrified at how so many women approve of Trump, I remind them of all the women who would *still* support Bill Clinton today, my friends included.