
I can’t get my mind around that kind of motherhood. When I taught four year olds we had a student who was displaying a lot of troubling signs of sexual abuse. Turns out her uncle was molesting her (I never learned the extent and didn’t want to).

That’s some stupid false logic right there. You put a sexual predator in the White House and you’re saying the reason all these things are coming out is because Obama is gone? Gtfo with that nonsense logic.

She’s also a big Planned Parenthood supporter and very vocal about it. I have such mixed feelings about the Bush daughters.

Or they’re alluding to the fact that Laura and George have gotten their smoke on ever since he left office and the coast is clear. Could explain some of his goofiness and the odd but intriguing painting habit. And Laura’s deep mellowness.

I did too! I binge-watched it. She was just so wonderful to watch. I cried more than once.

I don’t know if she went to the stage more in the last few years because she got tired of working in Hollywood, but I get the feeling that Samantha might have really hindered Kim’s acting career. It can be great to be part of a cultural milestone, but lots of other actors have suffered this same fate of being

2017: The Bitches Strike Back

Oh god. Did anyone watch The Knick on Showtime Cinemax?? It was all about early 1900's/Victorian era hospitals/doctors/surgery/drugs. I frickin LOVED it but it got cancelled after 2 seasons. :(

Oh god. Did anyone watch The Knick on Showtime?? It was all about early 1900's/Victorian era hospitals/doctors/surgery/drugs. I frickin LOVED it but it got cancelled after 2 seasons. :(

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?

Take your fucking star and go Kenny!

Thanks for your concern! She’s okay now, and she’s managed to build relationships again, which I cannot. imagine. after such a deep and terrifying betrayal of trust.

She’s burning every bridge she has access to, but if you have to go out in a blaze of glory, set the whole world on fire, girl.

Even after all that, abusers keep abusing in any way they can. So if you have children with them, they will continue to bankrupt you in family court again and again until the kids are of age, and afterwards they will continue to try to alienate any children from you. If they’re violent, they try to kill you. 90% of

I have to disagree. As someone who spent two years in a psychologically abusive relationship, I am sure Harvey Weinstein had a firm grip on his wife, too. This sort of abuser has a way of coercing and manipulating that is way beyond imagination for many. I got with some-one I found physically gross from the

What really killed me was in the report where Gwynneth said something along the lines of “But Uncle Harvey, what are you doing?!” You KNOW he has known her and Angelina since they were little girls.

Just disgusting.

I don’t think women are responsible for their husband’s actions. In fact, I don’t think women are EVER responsible for men’s actions. I think a lot of women can be in complicated relationships with men who they love, and it might take a lot for them to leave him.

This, many times over. I’m disappointed but not even a bit shocked at the commenters who say she knew, she was complicit, she only married him for money. YOU DON’T KNOW. And it’s missing the point entirely to gossip about the wife of a rapist.

Thank you. This hasn’t been said enough.

you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less