
I am a child social worker. I deal with this type of stuff quite often. And everything you stated is correct. In addition, what we don’t mention is how often children are abused by someone in the family (which is why I get pissed off at conservatives and their stupid bathroom bills. Sorry asswipe, but a transgender

Now playing

“Montia and I are not asking for a cent from Kevin Hart. This is not about money,”

Rosie is pissing me off. She’s still the parent but she wants to fight like equals. Tweeting about Chelsea’s mental illness and being hit by her BF is fucking gross. The more she publicly humiliates her, the more isolated the girl is going to be. Rosie is the looniest one of all. She’s talking about “didn’t u love me

Well my 47 years on earth have taught me several things. Here are two:

Yes but I refuse to be a shut in, which is what she wants. Plus that doesn’t address the problem.

My mom will freak out when she reads this and remind me incidents like this are why she still “forbids” me from going to music concerts. Keep in mind, I’m a 40-something adult.

Thank you! We’re not the praying kind, but we’re definitely grasping for any whiffs of hope!

I had hyperemesis gravidarum. Felt fine until Week 7, but from then until the end of my fourth month it felt like having a terrible stomach flu all day and night, EVERY day and night. The nausea only ever went away for about ten minutes after each time I threw up, and then it came roaring back. I had IV hydrations,

But as Americans THIS IS ALL WE HAVE right now. Let them FUQ. Let them have gorgeous dragon-wolf babies. Let us have this!!

Hi! This is Scott Briscoe. I work on press at Sikkema Jenkins & Co. gallery. What you cite here as the press release from the gallery is actually the title of the exhibition - yes, all of that is the title. Kara is actually known for the long titles that she gives to some of her works and exhibitions, but this is a

THIS! I don’t know why people need to explain their work, some things are best said without explaining anything. When I was in art school, I hated having to explain EVERYTHING and every single time, and I felt it sometimes got in the way of just creating. Sometimes art does deserve some sort of an explanation but then

Kara Walker is a genius. She can say or not say whatever the fuck she wants. The work speaks for itself.

Kara Walker does not give a fuck.

Fuck these people.

Central Jersey, what’s up!

Careful, Jersey girls, if you have one lit when you roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair.

As a born and raised Jersey girl, I can say with confidence that everyone is going to smoke their first cigarette before they’re 13 anyway.

Some dumbass executives want to sell more socks, so they gave a pile of money to some asshole so they could use his (barf) famous last name, and told him that’s all that was required of him.

THIS!!!! I sincerely doubt Lena looked at her own chaos and said “wow I’m making this dog a chaotic bundle of nerves.” No stability, chaos in household, I’m betting many friends coming over. All contribute to a dog feeling unsafe. I don’t doubt that there were some issues from the onset but without stability and