
I feel like people should be accommodating - I’ve had friends changed their babies on our floor, our couch, our bed (one ended up peeing on my S/O’s pillow - NBD), but no one has ever changed their baby on our kitchen table, or on a table beside me.

Thank you. I was disgusted by all the “Team Nobody!” bullshit yesterday. I don’t care if she’s a sex worker, polyamorous, slutty, had plastic surgery, had the poor sense to get involved with a Kardashian etc. His behavior is scary and abusive and he committed an illegal invasion of privacy and it REALLY shouldn’t be

Something like 20 years ago I read a piece in the pre-DoucheKushner “New York Observer” an article about “Would ‘Vogue’ employees wear the stuff in the magazine?” This was pre- “Devil Wears Prada.”

I have nothing to add to this conversation - except my coworker gave me a chocolate covered twinkie since I didn’t have time for a lunch break. The texture was amazing and so I chowed down on it like a true american. I even savored it like a frenchie. When a piece of it fell onto my cell phone, I licked that bacteria

“They are ashamed the war has become a public spectacle and hurting the family name.” 

My ex had the constant switch between ‘I love how successful my girlfriend is’ to other people and a hissed ‘don’t think too much of yourself’ to me down to A SCIENCE.

My mutt is a very outdoorsy guard dog who I trained to think my daughter was a sheep who needed to be protected and kept inside our front and or backyard so she’ll go anywhere.

We have a carnival & BBQ arranged in our community: bouncy castles, face painting, henna, a ferris wheel, fireworks in the end... nothing fancy. But the guests of honor are immigrants from the banned countries who are celebrating their first 4th of July.

My 13 year-old cousin is bringing her first boyfriend over to the barbecue. Given the group that’s going to be here, I’m 100% convinced she’s doing it so that she doesn’t have to be the one to end the relationship lol.

Young Thug’s gender politics never cease to amaze... Dressing queer+ public declaration of not being into sex + super sexist and homophobic on record + 6 kids with different mums +donation to PP...

“If you let me cheat.” How nice.

Yeah, and I don’t buy for one minute that he’s done fucking around. Maybe he’ll be more careful for a while, but I would be shocked if he stays faithful considering he has self identified as a inveterate cheater for years. From that song he did with Foxy Brown: “ain’t no stoppin this, no lie, promise to stay

The lesson Netflix will hopefully take from this is that ratings aren’t everything – even when your ratings method is definitely accurate (unlike the Nielson system). Sense8 may not have a massive viewership, but it does have a loyal viewership. It means the world to see yourself represented on-screen when that’s not

One of the biggest reasons why I love Sense8, besides the awesome writing, was the fact that they use a REAL trans actor to portray a trans character. Most non-trans people don’t realize just how important this is to those of us in the non-gender binary world. How many times has a straight actor portrayed a trans


She seems to be attracted to total shit-show type men. She has been married to Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, and Rick Solomon (Rick was the guy starring in Paris Hilton’s sex tape). Other than having money (and not sure how much they actually have these days since their hey-days are over), these men basically suck at life, and

What the everloving fuck are you talking about?!? According to the UN, about one woman dies in childbirth every two minutes, and for every woman who dies, 20 or 30 encounter complications with serious or long-lasting consequences. Most of these deaths and injuries are entirely preventable. Of course, if you’re a

Yeah, my assumption is that they’re getting a top notch medical team and facility installed. A hearty Do Not Recommend to the rest of us normals

Having twins at home seems like a terrible idea. It’s already considered a high risk birth. Have them at a damn hospital Beyoncé, Christ it’s not worth it when it’s your newborn babies’ and your safety at stake! Homebirth is dangerous and your home is not a hospital no matter how much medical equipment you stuff it

I’m sure Russell Brand is seething in the corner.