
One thing to remember is that your credit score doesn’t really indicate how responsible with your money you are, it indicates how much creditors want to lend you money. A lot of the time, yeah, those are the same - if you never pay things off or frequently make late payments or whatever, yeah, they don’t want to

The best way I’ve found to boost your credit score is to demonstrate that you don’t need credit.

Like much financial advice, the fact of the matter is that on paper, vs. in practice are two very different things.

Credit scores are basically a game. A game without all rules published, a game with many contradictions, and a game that is overly complicated.

This may be useful if you need a few extra points on your credit score to get into a better bracket in anticipation of a significant purchase (home/auto) where it may affect your rates.

Otherwise, this level of min/maxing really isn’t necessary. Thankfully, many if not most credit cards offer a feature to show you

Here you can have all this credit but don’t you dare go use it!

Well yeah he has a lot more information than you about what a solar eclipse looks like to the naked eye, doesn’t he? Now our nation is more secure!

This President, I will tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth

As a person of color I feel like everything after “master” and “slave”, which is obviously problematic, is a little bit of a stretch by white folk struggling with their own guilt. Because not once in my life have I even considered whitelist/blacklist or white hat/black hat to have anything to do with race. Granted, I c

Don’t forget ‘Daemon’ and “Mortally Challenged” from Doom, while at it. Mortally challenged is a joke... until the day we get demons around.

What a complete horseshit article for a completely stupid and asinine waste of everyone’s time. There is actual racism and sexism in the field to tackle, stop wasting everyone’s time forcing re-definition of easily remembered terms that have nothing to do with racism. If anything, all this does is make regular Joes

“White hat” and “Black hat” have nothing to do with race. It goes back to the old good guy versus bad guy, specifically cowboys. The good cowboy wore a white hat and the bad guy wore a black hat. Are we to the point that the color black cannot be associated with anything bad? What happens to Darth Vader then?

This seems like it cheapens the whole discussion of race relations in the world. “What have you done to eliminate systematic and real racism?”

We’re no longer mindlessly plodding on the euphemism treadmill, we’ve wandered off and are hunting for red herrings rather than addressing real issues with substantive solutions.

I think part of the reason people defend usage of words that aren’t specifically racial/racist/offensive is that they don’t want the worst people from both ends of the spectrum (both the biggest racist assholes and the most over-the-top ridiculously sensitive) to be able to set the agenda or claim ownership. It’s

“Words matter,” but actual definitions don’t, I guess. 

The challenge as we move forward is to try and reign in everyone’s best intentions, and apply a dose of common sense.  It’s the things like white hat, black hat, that have 0.0 to do with race that cause a backlash and empower the Trumpian dipshits to make everything seem unreasonable.  If the words have a history

Master Yoda has some splainin’ to do.

this seems unnecessary to me. as far as tech goes, those terms very succinctly describe how things relate to each other, and aside from that, the concepts of “master/slave” transcend race. anyone can be a slave, or control others as a master.

Whatever on all of them except the use of “Master” which generally translates as “Teacher” or “The best at <something>“.

I mean, I’m not gonna get out in the streets and march to save the term, but at the same time I think its kinda silly to pull at that particular one.