I can find no evidence for this assertion. Snope’s article from 2001 calls it false.
I can find no evidence for this assertion. Snope’s article from 2001 calls it false.
Or at least, “Milk (non-human)”.
Solution: make the goddamm dairy industry label their stuff “Cow Milk.”
Apparently you can.
So... in effect, they’r trying to milk us for more money?
“I’m an adult”
first they came for the almond milk, and i did not care because i did not drink almond milk. then they came for the soy cheese, and i did not care because i do not eat soy cheese. then they came for the peanut butter...
They think it is, what? That cow milk is OK to give to nursing infants? Or that the warning on packaging saying “not for infants” means it’s OK for infants?
Do nuts have nipples? Can you milk them Greg?
“Hey Honey, I bet I can smuggle 200lbs of uncut cocaine into the USA”
What a ridiculous thing to get worked up about. No one is getting almond milk by accident. No one is getting the two confused. This is all about established players in a market trying to push new entrants out. IE, milk sellers don’t want to share shelf space with all the non dairy stuff.
I’m pretty sure a) cow milk is not a replacement for breast milk/formula, either and b) they already have notices like that on the packaging.