John McCain, An Hero

Snopes rated your claim “FALSE.”

It was Trump who failed to stop The Kremlin from hacking our democracy during the 2016 election, not McCain.

This is exactly why it’s so important to not fall for the DSA’s tricks. They say pleasant things like “Vote for us and you get money,” but they have no actual plan to do this. They are just trying to trick you into voting for them. These same issues will remain or get worse if they ever start winning elections which

The Civil War was fought over a single issue: slavery.

“We came, we saw, he died.”

And yet many are now saying just the opposite, that McCain defined the American spirit of the last two decades along with George W Bush and Bill & Hillary Clinton. He never made it to the Oval Office but had presidential impact nonetheless.

John McCain is not dead so long as his vibrant legacy lives on.  Food for thought.

Steroids are a very good options and Serena Williams is proof. I would be for that. We now know that Harambe thought himself that child’s father and the boy seemed to believe the same. His murder was a simple yet tragic misunderstanding.

I’m advocating for a fair fight between an officer and a street person.  As long as physical parity exists between the two I believe we should let the chips fall where they may.  That is why it was ok for this woman to have a gun, but not ok that she used it. 

Kremlin agents please go away.

War heroics and global promotion of democracy aside, how on earth can all of you smear McCain so viciously? He was a leader of The Resistance. He supported Hillary. He saved Obamacare. He gave the Trump dossier to the FBI which kicked off the Mueller investigation.

I mostly agree with you, but you really need to acknowledge the power differential between the deceased and this woman.  The gun evens that out.  Still, she should not have shot him so many times. 

Correct.  Never.

John McCain brought democracy to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Libya and you call him racist? Grow up. He’s a modern day American hero and that isn’t debatable. Lincoln freed the slaves domestically, McCain did it abroad.

It’s not that she’s afraid, it’s that she is at an extreme physical disadvantage through no fault of her own.  You seem to be saying that women should not be police officers and I disagree with that entirely.  

What are they gonna do, start jailing teachers?  

This is a tough one for me. One the one hand, it is never ok for a police officer to shoot and kill an unarmed person. On the other hand, a female officer is at such an extreme physical disadvantage when confronting a dangerous street person that her brandishing and use of the gun, to me, seems little more than the

More teachers need to realize their collective power. When they strike, thousands of parents are forced to miss work, take unpaid time off, use precious vacation time, or otherwise alter their daily lives in a less than favorable way. Teachers can and should acquire immediate pay increases by taking advantage of this

The proper response here is not “OMG NO THEY AREN’T!” The proper response is “Yeah, so what and who cares?”

Not all angels have wings, and not all heroes wear capes. John McCain had both.