John McCain, An Hero

This prison strike is the most important thing to happen in 2018 and we need to be leveraging this for the midterms. 

I agree with you, but you should really be acknowledging the good McCain accomplished with his life as well.  He did tremendous things while he was here and we should erect monuments in his honor.  Even you will agree with that.

She can do the job.  She just requires a gun to even things out.

It boggles my mind that Michael Moore filmed Roger and Me about the Flint Water Crisis back in 1989 and forty years later nothing has been done about it.  

The greatest trick the GOP has ever pulled was convincing America that immigrants bring crime, violence, and drugs with them when they immigrate from countries plagued by crime, violence, and drugs.

Try clearing your cache and turning off your ad blockers.

I knew you were gonna say that.  I would have responded that way too.

You have now replied to every single comment I have made today. I don’t know why you do this, but I am asking you as politely as I possibly can to please continue. I enjoy your insight, your witty banter, and most of all your humor. I now consider you one of my dearest friends and I don’t think it’s too big a stretch

Sad, but keep in mind that the Hurricane Maria was a political godsend. Millions of Puerto Ricans are moving to places like Florida, Georgia, Arizona, and Texas. Light violet states become solid purple. Solid purple states turn blue.

Oh don’t you... don’t you dare say that to me.  That is preposterous.  I advocate for black issues all the time.  I use my voice on Twitter to support their hashtags.  I have two separate Resistance groups on Facebook that have black moderators.  Don’t you dare say something like that to me.  Apologize now. 

I think you replied to the wrong comment.  I’ve done it before.  Happens to everyone.  Be well.

Yeah, here you go.

The death of political power is always brought about through a purity spiral. Does the Vatican have some problems? Sure, who doesn’t. But they are allies in the war against borders and we need them.

Yes, here is the link.

Most Catholics are standard-issue, centrist Democrats.  This is a touchy subject that we should probably just avoid.  Don’t want to risk votes ahead of the midterms. 

Not ideal, but to his credit he is a huge advocate for open borders and the fight against global warming.

That call was staged.  The Mexicans have released a statement condemning it.

It literally is food for thought.  No pun intended. 

If you knew the how intimidating it is for a woman to stare at an angry, dangerous street person you would not be saying this. 

The wage gap isn’t the only example of gender privilege.  There is an even wider gap in things like physical strength, balance, and endurance. Not many are addressing this, yet.  I believe this woman not only has every right to do so but is also a great spokeswoman for this cause.