JFC GOO GOO GAH GAH Melania..................
JFC GOO GOO GAH GAH Melania..................
Can someone tell me why AIPAC and Israel support Trump with their entire being? What the hell is going on?
How dare you say this about the greatest war hero of modern times. How absolutely dare you say that about John McCain.
I watch a lot of ASMR videos and am really glad it’s going more mainstream. A couple years back these videos were very tough to find. There were so few that I had unintentionally memorized my favorite ones which really hinders the experience.
Brazil alone cannot tackle Russian agitprop. This must be a global effort led by Silicon Valley.
You know who else is against fact checking? The Kremlin.
Delete this comment. You have no right to say that about John McCain.
John McCain isn’t a war hero because he was captured. He’s a war hero because he was in the war to such an extent that he was at risk of being captured. He was absolutely integral to the war effort, and not just Vietnam. He has been a centerpiece of every war in the Middle East to date.
Why are you ignoring Russian Collusion?
Stolen wins are not tragic losses.
Hold your tongue, Axelov. It was McCain who delivered the Trump Dossier to the FBI. It was McCain who saved Obamacare. It was McCain’s curious choice of Palin that allowed Obama to win.
No. I’m not saying that you’re a Kremlin Disinformation Agent based out of Vladivostok as an insult. I’m saying it as a point of reference so that all understand that everything and anything you say should be disregarded.
So many words to say “I wish he was on my team.”
Stopped reading at “correct.”
John McCain was always country over party. Trump, just the opposite. So who’s side are you on? The patriot who gave his life to this country and its ideals or the orange monkey puppet 100% controlled by the sworn enemy of The United States of America - Vladimir Putin?
I understand how stressful things are in The Kremlin right now. No worries.
H’s are treated as silent consonants such that “a” becomes “an” when preceding a word that begins with H. Honestly how do you not know this.
If you want a guy like Brady on your show you treat him the way a guy like that deserves to be treated. The radio donkeys were told prior to his call in what topics were off limits. This is common practice in the radio world. They broke that agreement and Tom hung up. There is nothing confusing or wrong about…