
"Here's a profile video of everyone's favorite Ironborn little shit, Theon Greyjoy." trololololololololol

Damn, I really liked Bulletstorm. Sure, I had to play it for work, but even after completion, I wanted to play more. And the MP was pretty good!

I want those briefs for another Bearracude underwear party in San Francisco. I'd be really popular.

This. You are amazing. You have vocalized my disdain for Star Wars, as well as hardcore gaming culture. Entitled fandom is the worst.

Sorry, I find Star Wars fans insufferable. There's nothing particular about this franchise that appeals to me, and the constant bitching courtesy of its aging and entitled fans irritate me to no end.

Renly is so damn adorable with his little beard. I want him in my life.

You totally z-snapped Pandafresh.

Target has a buy 2 get one free deal too.

I love the cute little birdie. I wanna cuddle with it

I do have to say that the ManShep and Kaidan relationship was surprisingly decent. No, the sex was awkward, as was the kissing, but all of the emotional stuff leading up to that was surprisingly heartfelt.

It might taste terrible and might not work, but I wonder if you could cook the rice in tonic water and that would make the rice glow under black light?


This is absolutaly true. I have contacts within most of the publishers within SF, and if a game doesn't do well on Metacritic or with GameStats, you see a hugely negative response that typically ends in job loss or the end of a franchise.

God, wow, classification of the neediness and incessant obnoxiousness of gamers. Sorry guys, I by and large detest gaming's demographics.

Dude, high five. It's a game that has not held up well AT ALL. Wind Waker, now that's a title that still shines.

Is there a dislike button for you yet? I was hella sick of all the boring straight sex in the last ones, so I can't have the game appeal to me now?

I'm totally with you on the pre-wind issue. IT drives me nuts that I can't just go straight off a ramp while prewinded in another direction. The way it is now, you're always going to be veering off in some direction.

They are so cute though! I want to cuddle with them

2011 and 2012 is the first time in my life that I decided I didn't like movies and stopped watching or paying attention to them. I don't regret it, but wow, this movie sounds interesting, and even more, surprising. Usually I find Woody Allen to be insufferable, but this sounds like a nice flick.

Now playing

So this song was something my sister and I got in a OPM demo disc, and all it was was this music video from the game. I've never played the game before, and I don't know if it's even in the original, but the singing it pretty good and it makes me feel like I'm 9 again.