Attempt at further relevancy by Gaga. Hopefully this is more than Gaga singing and Britney adding in some "oh oh oh"s and an extra chorus. >:/
Attempt at further relevancy by Gaga. Hopefully this is more than Gaga singing and Britney adding in some "oh oh oh"s and an extra chorus. >:/
I like the universe more than I like Harry Potter. I just hope they're more like the first books and not like the two last ones because I felt like I was reading Twilight in the Harry Potter universe and I don't like Twilight.
Autism, where no man has gone before.
I remember when I lived overseas. The Spanish and the Swedish big brother households did exactly what they were supposed to, on the first day. Which was get down to shagging each other.
Different worlds. Some would say better.
Because straight doesn't have an acceptance problem.
Sir, your privilege is showing.
A few things:
This is incredibly easy for you to say in your position of comfortable majority as a hetero male. Extremely small minorities like transsexuals face misunderstanding, prejudice, and even outright persecution at every junction of their lives. The reason you so inconveniently hear about it all the time is that the GLBT…