
They're blowing smoke up our asses

Man, I'm really glad to find people who feel the same I do!

All of these complaints are leveraged against the book too, which Foer justifies as "magical realism."

Oh totally. It's an impossible book to recommend. "Oh, what type of book is it?" "Well, um, it's a period English science-fiction, post-apocalyptic horror romance written by an English-Japanese man with a plot point I cannot mention." "Oh."

Anything for you. I can deconstruct a lot of books, but something about this just grinded my gears so much more than the rest. I HATE IT WITH EVERYTHING IN ME.

THANK YOU. We should start a club!

No, I took it at UC Berkeley. Loved the course, adored Never Let Me Go, but lordy,Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is insufferable, and all the kids that loved it were the same falsely understanding and thoughtful humans that undergrad English lit tends to pander to

Yes. He's a stupid prick douchetool who thinks he's better than everyone else.

In college during my contemporary literature course, while I was being slayed by the masterpiece of Never Let Me Go (and the tragically underrated film), most of the others in my class were busy fapping to this piece of trash.

Imagine the COD games!

I want a custom bear man-shep with a fluffy beard and a no-nonsense attitude.

Girl, you crazy. I hate using a trackpad. Whenever I'm lucky enough to use a mouse, it's a true pleasure as opposed to touchscreen and shit like that.

You sound like one of those stereotypical long-haired Sabbath fans. I'm going to listen to my eurotrash and indie folk and wax my mustache and it's going to be awesome!

I have no room for hairy metal heads who listen to really old retro music as if it's still relevant ;)

Ew, you listen to Sabbath? Total old people music. What are, you 40?

I don't know. If you look at the design stuff for this dumb game, there are actually straight couples in the game. I don't think the article was clear enough that this isn't"queer colored people" it was more like "queer people and colored people."

You'd be surprised. For some reason, gay bears really really love WoW and TOR. At least I keep meeting them, lol.

Hmmmm, looking into some of the things thing this guy is doing, you appear to be correct. Bummer about that one.

The thing is, modern NA society is defined by white male norms. It's hard to not see because it's so in your face all the time unless you're different.

The new voice work is much better. Nostalgia be fucked, let's have a decent product, not shitty on purpose to please a bunch of whiny fans.