You're being sarcastic right?
Followed by: ignore the four semen contributors that excluded you during the investigation.
Except that he didn't, but you also probably think Rothlisberger is innocent so there's that.
The fact you can't reconcile it just means you're a compassionate human being. That, having experienced this kind of trauma, you've managed to preserve your sense of empathy and, for lack of better word, fairness. You're not asking for proof, just saying the pitchforks can wait. We can show support for Stoya and still…
Asshole and evil.
So it’s a fancy jello salad then? I’ve attended no less than 100 sports banquets where the “salad” was a square of jello with mayonnaise, sitting atop two pieces of wilted lettuce.
Yes they go together
That top photo of him passing the ball looks so much like a video game to me. It's uncanny. These photographers definitely have a knack for excellent timing.
Hahahahaha, no. All he has to do is have a solid combine. It would be more harmful if his statements weren't backed up by facts.
No, the vast majority do not juice for this sport. A couple, in the past, have tested dirty and been suspended. However, most of them come from boxing or grappling sports (jiu jitsu, judo, wrestling), where they're used to aggressive competition and the need for steroids isn't there.
The answer is no. There is no such thing as too much ass. Ever.
Also, I've eaten a meal prepared by Bourdain. He can't cook worth a shit. It's called seasoning Tony, look into it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. you're adoooooooorable. Don't ever change.
They're not hating on Palmer face fucking the crowd either so...
Aaron Rodgers never goes right back to the huddle. Gtfoh
Right? Does he not realize adults also have bills to pay?
Nah, if Dana is smart he gets cyborg in to fight either Rousey for a chance at Holm or fight Holm with Rousey getting a comeback match for the title against the winner. Either way that sells.
Counter their movement. Boxers do it in every fight. Ronda needs to learn footwork.
My fault for missing the story you linked to. Sorry for being an ass in my reply. But I agree, there's a lot to this that seems off. And, given that it's basically the media defending taylor and the players defending Bryant, we may never know what actually happened or what it's all about.