May surprise you to learn that there are quite a few black people that don't like, nor appreciate, being called any version of nigger, even by other black people. The more you know.
May surprise you to learn that there are quite a few black people that don't like, nor appreciate, being called any version of nigger, even by other black people. The more you know.
Fuck him and his banner
Has to be
Frat houses are considered apartment complexes? The more you know.
Too bad no one would ever go this in depth into Big Ben, or Manziel even.
They talked even faster on West Wing
The guy whose sperm apparently contains three different DNA profiles at a minimum? Hot taek
They resembled a 7 ft pro athlete? Or do you really mean they resembled black people? Hopefully you never work with or near the public again in any field.
And that's why you are winning at life. +1
Very under appreciated comment.
They didn't start the conversation. They are just the ones that White people listen to. People of color have been talking about it since Gone With the Wind.
This too.
They have been for years. They still are. But they get silenced and shouted over because (as an example) J Law isn't making as much as Bradley Cooper. Ask the women who were in The Help if they got paid as much or anywhere near what their White colleagues made on the same film.
“most famous actors”...
+1 as you wish
Of course not.
We eagerly await the video of you doing this.
Everything you just said is wrong on so many levels. It’s a state school. The actual “cost” of the education is less than $15,000 real dollars over four years. Academic scholarships at the same school, which in no way increase the revenue of the institution, afford those students all of the perks of student athletes…