
there is a tie for most tricks (when the tricks divide 2-2-1, and in the rare case of five players taking one trick each) no one takes the pot. This is known as a “split pot” but the pot is not shared out - it remains for the next deal and the new antes and any penalties are added to it.

Joe Mixon wasn't at a club. It is literally a sandwich shop that stays open late.

Still more interesting than soccer.

Yeah, they're still gonna try to put it back up again knowing full well how it will end. My tax dollars at work. Again. They're still trying to figure out a way to define marriage in the state constitution. There's at least two debates in the state legislature for it every session.

No, wash cloths help to exfoliate the skin and remove bacteria that can be both harmful and the cause of lingering stank. Just rubbing soap on your body does not make one clean.

Because KD isn't making any money in OKC? Lakers can't offer him more than the max OKC will give him. He won't get more money from Nike playing on the dumpster fire that is the lakers, Knicks, or Washington. So why go somewhere he won't win at all?

I like how she seems to think that the bear, who speaks English (obvz), is going to leave the kayak only to come towards her and her mace cannon again.

Because they’re both lauded as genius and their racist, tasteless jokes are passed off as just jokes and “ironic”.

Not gonna lie, it took my dumb ass two readings to get this. Well done.

Did you jump on your white horse to try and save them all? Or at least one? Have you made any attempt to help eradicate the conditions that allow malaria to spread so rapidly? No? You're just a douche who also has no high ground to assume? Sounds about right. Go back to masturbating before mom catches you again,

No she’s very real. In fact, there are worse. Drive through any state with an original SEC school and listen to sports talk radio for two hours. She's even tamer than some of the radio hosts.

Then they are serving you incorrectly. Tennessee whiskey is not the catchall whiskey, Scotch is. Blended scotch at that. Likely you are asking for a jack and Coke, or are being served the well which in most places will be either Jack Daniels or Jim Beam. Usually this is because most consumers do not realize that they

You mean any country with a soccer team?

Just enough to comment anonymously on the Internet?

Oh no! Dipshits like you were delayed for a game? The travesty of it all. If you weren't already so stupid I'd tell you to forget to breathe out after you breathe in. But, you'll forget anyway and the world will be a better place without you in it. Go kill yourself kidfucker.

Nah, she apparently dates married women beaters.

Or rouseys new boyfriend, Travis Browne. Also good at beating up women he’s still married to.

Looks so...familiar

That won't lead to an untimely death or other manner of torturous punishment?