
Meek Mill isn't even the best rapper in his relationship. Both of these dudes should stop it. Neither of them writes many of their songs, and even then, what is written isn't very spectacular.


“Mom said it’s either this or the pole”

Fried foods.

How many Americans in the pan am games actually start for their division III college teams?

I posted downthread but depending on the organization, all survivors/victims can qualify even if they exceed the income parameters. Also, many organizations have private attorneys who will take the case pro bono when that orgs caseloads are maxed out

In most states, they already have free civil lawyers for domestic violence victims. It's called Legal Aid Services. I worked there for three years and my exact job was to obtain VPOs, safe housing, anonymous addresses through our Secretary of State to prevent an abuser from essentially tracking their victim down, and

In the pan am games. An event that, let's be honest, very few people knew still existed.

Clearly you've never been to a Super Bowl, SEC game, mlb game, NBA game, nhl game, or junior high softball game.

When my grandmother was born, black women weren't allowed to learn to read. But, I'm guessing that wasn't in one of the resolutions.

And her shoe game is on point.

Does philandering, serious question, include making possible plans or does it require going through with having extramarital sex? Asking for a guerrilla outed friend.

I know. Now if only someone will write such great prose about legendary comedian, Bill Cosby.

Neither was Cosby...

Mendes and macgregor got supposedly 250-500k apiece. I think these two probably got something in the $100-250k range.

I'd never seen him pitch before. He made it look like easy money.

Fuck him and his bullshit apology. Too little too late, imo.

I hope you never get off on Fridays, and work at a Friday's that's always busy on Fridays. His verse on that song is a great summary of my past hurt feelings

Just take my damn money already!

Sonic has always had a grilled cheese on the menu. For at least 20 years. Ordering the cheeseburger without meat was pretty unnecessary. They'll even put whatever you want on the grilled cheese, even if you want a bun instead of toast, etc.