
The first Duggar son supports the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

My worst loud sex story is when I went to Burning Man (I know, I know, get past it everybody) and the girl in the tent next to me made the most of the festival by having LOUD sex with a rotating parade of guys (which I respect) at six every single morning (which I most certainly do not respect.) We were all staying up

Happy Burfday Mark

My kid just saw that gif. He said, What’s that, and I said You know what it is.

Happy birthday to the greatest, bestest Jezebel writer!

I used to live in an apartment complex built around a smallish parking lot/courtyard area and the acoustics were a mess. One of the neighbors in a building across the courtyard used to have sex with her window open and full on scream, “FUCK ME OH MY GOD FUUUUUCK MEEEEE HARDER HARDER” and so on. Because of said

Yaaaassssss get money guuuurl

Pffft. Like human sharks aren’t hot.


Of course the Duggars defend “religious freedom”. How else would they be able to claim a house as a church, their family room a sanctuary and their land as feeding a congregation while maintaining a sweet tax free status? Gotta protect that grift.

Happy Birthday! Here is some nsfw Fassbender, since he’s your b-day twin and all. No other motives, obviously.

I got a job as an analyst at a litigation firm! It’s super close to my apartment and the managing partner is a friend of a friend, and basically I’m just going to pretend I’m Kalinda from The Good Wife and try to be kick ass and indispensable.

Maybe if they pop on a little more they’ll become invisible and we will never have to hear about either of them again.

Happy birthday!!!

Sure, that baby’s cute and all, but it’s no Ioni James Conran. Don’t be thinking you’re any Ioni James Conran, baby! None of us may achieve such greatness.

Mark Shrayber HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love Scott and Kourt and their progeny. Whatever.

There’s a dancin’ in mah pants.

howd you find that gif of me IRL doing sex

Of course you can. That’s why they have restrooms, MoF.