like the flu/ebola theories that it’s been engineered to kill a bunch of us, or make us dependent and sick? what if chemtrails are actually deer ticks holding tiny rucksacks of Lyme-infested gluten?
like the flu/ebola theories that it’s been engineered to kill a bunch of us, or make us dependent and sick? what if chemtrails are actually deer ticks holding tiny rucksacks of Lyme-infested gluten?
No, I totally know it’s real, and I’m not ignorant and I don’t believe the conspiracy- But I find conspiracy theories endlessly fascinating, and the insanity surrounding Lyme is by far the one that fascinates me the most.
There’s this whole crazypants conspiracy theory that lyme disease is a genetically altered bio-weapon created by a nazi scientist who emigrated to the US after WW2 (via Operation Paperclip, a perennial conspiracy wellspring) This nazi scientist was working on Plum Island Animal Research Facility (boom, scary secret…
Where it came from is the conspiracy.
I didn’t know there was a Lyme Disease conspiracy, but I am down the google rabbit hole now.
I hope Avril is okay, but Lyme Disease is my favorite conspiracy of ALL TIME.
I was about to leave a snarky comment about her being sad she wrote 50 Shades, but that book made her a very wealthy person, so I doubt she's upset over that.
drinking game for SOTU next year?
I <3 her so much I want her to be my 2nd mom. Please?
When I read romance novels, it's almost exclusively historical ones because they're basically like fantasy novels. So far removed from my reality. That's what makes it enjoyable. I always get bored or upset by modern romances. I don't know why.
A+ on this:
I just want to see some pictures of celebs wearing this garbage out in public.
Oh right except for Ms. Davies, who we're all pretty sure has been living in the office shower for the last several months.
My condolences, what a terrible loss.
All of this 50 shades of grey talk is just reminding me that I haven't had sex since the summer. It feels like I will NEVER HAVE SEX AGAIN. Even worse, my vibrator broke this morning. Everything is turrible.
i aspire to your lipstick game, judge doctor brown.
I totally forgot about this stuff — and I'm Norwegian. And have hands! Thank you.
Loved this! Not only was it smart and funny, also I get occasional milia and I've always wondered what the heck those are.