
Anyone who thinks this is surprising just hasn't been following Bobbi Kristina on IG. From earlier this month. When she got backlash on her look she posted about how her mom had a fast metabolism, too.

Well this is fucking heart breaking.

I live in San Francisco. Honestly, I'm pretty sick of being visually assaulted by shriveled dicks as I go about by my day, but (butt!) it's not that big a deal. The nudity ban is a recent thing. SF has always been a bastion of freedom of expression and whimsy.

I was a big fan of the achievement for literally setting trees on fire, tho. Not even kidding, fuck nature.

Here, I'll finish your sentence for you:

But the spike isn't due to video games or even football. They explained that the spike is due to it being a weekend when people are around each other more and a day where people drink more, leading to a spike that's the same as any other holiday. You could've written an article taking a stand against New Year's Day or

the fucking, whiskey, mozart and sodomy party will be at my place!

Need this for my mother. It's her sarcastic statement of choice. Mother's Day 2015?

Yes. Also, sorry Huckabee, but your point that you wouldn't force a jewish deli to serve bacon wrapped shrimp is such bullshit - See, the difference is that in one situation (the deli) it's their choice/prerogative to not serve/produce a product, whereas in the other situation we have companies refusing to serve people

I can just imagine that! He says something polite and uncomfortable about how the Republican party is a big tent, and they all wink and nudge each other and say, "Listen to her!" A big tent needs a big tent pole, doesn't it darlings.

I like to think he has a bunch of gay friends who keep him around for his camp value. They call him "she" to make him uncomfortable and, like, dress up as him and his wife for Halloween and stuff.

I hate the way he tries to make his point of view reasonable.

This whole bigots-insinuating-I'm-a-bigot-because-I-don't-approve-of-their-bigotry thing is getting SO TIRED. Get a new angle.

I've seen Doctor Who aliens who act like more believable humans than Mike Huckabee.

But does he have enough gay friends to fill a binder?

I'd note that he says they can be his friends, not that they are. I'm fairly skeptical whether any would actually want to.

In leiu of watching that interview, I picked my underwear out of the crack of my ass.

We will have to differ in our opinions about what the word "intelligence" means and whether or not he possesses a considerable amount of it. I'd call him a person of average intelligence. I imagine his IQ score being nestled comfortably in the fat middle of the bell curve, and that's nothing to sneeze at.

"Smart" seems....extremely generous.

crazy as a bag of cats