
Granted. What self-respecting house cat *eats* the things it kills? It's much more effective to just mutilate the body and leave it as a warning/love note for the human servants of the house.

Nah, from my experiences, he's just gonna kill a couple, pull out half the feathers and then get bored/sick of the taste and prance away...

what! Everytime I get comfortable around here, somebody leaves. :(

Jesus take the wheel. Today, Heidi Montag said something I find to be insightful and bitingly funny. I don't even know what's real anymore.

Team Cat Headquarters here,

I am so bereft over your imminent departure that even this video brings me no comfort.

Kitten is all "yes, yes my minions!" And then realizes there is a minion uprising and he is greatly outnumbered.

That kitten is definitely going to eat a duck. Just give it time.

I am concerned about Azealia Banks's perception of time.

If anyone has the "no makeup" makeup look down, it's Jessica Alba. It doesn't even seem possible for a person to look like that.

It's not that my feelings necessarily matter, it's that yours DEFINITELY don't. Plus I don't have any particular feelings on the content of this article other than "yep, all good advice" whereas you're in the middle of an epicly stupid tantrum about women being eviiiiiiiiiiiiiil. Your feelings definitely don't matter.

Completely wrong. You are not equals in this equation, you are approaching her to get something. You're essentially applying for a job (the job being "put your penis in her") and she is considering your application. Just like with any job interview, the interviewer's time is considerably more valuable than the

"Please be specific"

Which feelings? You hurt my video games feelings? You hurt my childhood? You don't comfort me like my mother did feelings? You don't like the overpowering smell of French fries that wafts from my mattress so I'm thinking you are stuck-up feelings? Please be specific/.

It's all about getting over the fear of the "No."

Sad to admit I did a lot of this crap (the tamer stuff, not the really creppy stuff) in my 20's. My defense? I didn't know better/I thought because my intent was good I could do that stuff/older idiots had told me I should do that instead of being nice. I'd like to think I've grown since then, but I wish I knew this

Class reunions or networking nonsense events only.

One of the worst pieces of jewlrey a dude could wear isn't even on this list: the Oversized Class Ring. Holy fuck, I can't stand that shit. Unless it's a $10k Super Bowl ring and you're hosting an episode of Sunday Countdown, you have no business wearing some gaudy piece of shit that you think shows the world