I'm going to take a wild guess that this guy lives nowhere near either coast.
I'm going to take a wild guess that this guy lives nowhere near either coast.
I've been saying this for years! I refer to them as Talibangelists.
Omg, thank GOODNESS her husband was so honest and open with her about his strength and restraint when faced with the insurmountable task of ignoring those lust-inducing Satan pants all the heathens are so fond of wearing!
Stassa, I ask this in the most respectful way, but can you please post a picture of you in your yoga pants? I want to look and look away at the same time. I've instructed my wife to lash me with my belt every time I look and don't look.
Good call. Burkas are the way to go, since men simply can't be controlled.
Whelp, I was going to hang out in my sexy sexy sex pants (stained in not one, but two places with Nutella) and watch season two of The Fall while my daughter is at a sleepover, but I guess I'd better change. Perhaps I can find some non-lustful dungarees somewhere. I mean, it's just me and the dogs here, but you never…
...and male.
That's a ridiculous way to go about it, then. Might as well call it a social club instead of an industry association.
That's not how the Motion Picture Academy works. If memory serves, you have to be sponsored by two members or receive a nomination to even be considered.
I don't think this is the Oscars' problem. I think this is a broader top-down industry problem that the Oscars simply reflect.
You forgot: Is she a barren, bitter, jealous, hater who spends her nights plotting ways to fuck up Bradgelina's life, having them on Google alerts and cackling with great gusto every time they get even a smidgen of bad press. Oh, and every man she's been with since Brad is a mere place holder.
Who cares about what Jennifer Aniston thinks about Angelina Jolie?
So let me get this straight, Jennifer Aniston called Angelina Jolie an old leather shoe?
i was homeschooled during high school. I was constantly bullied, I had death threats, and I was beyond bored in class because the stuff we were learning I had already read and learned.
Watch James host Buzzcocks and be shocked and delighted by his hilariousness!
"James , why do you only have 200,000 followers?—-"
You bring up an interesting point. I have been wanting to call CPS on my husband's sister for years, because she is homeschooling her six kids and doing the bare minimum required, because "They are going to grow up to be carpenters, like Jesus." Every time I have tried, I am told I can't do it anonymously. But I guess…
I have not heard of her until this article, but even her statement about being humble is the opposite of humble: "As an A-list celebrity, it's important for me to be humble."
I'm voting "not shade" on Lupita simply because I believe Lupita, like me, has no idea who the eff that other chick is, and no one is required to share their personal space and pose with a total stranger.