
Ugh I totally agree. Always seeing this thrown around - rape and distribution of child pornography - or just any photo like this, even if it was between consenting adults - aren't fucking mistakes. Whether you were drunk, angry, high, or anything, you still have to be a seriously innately nasty and disrespectful

Wasn't it Agatha Christie who said "Every murderer is someone's old friend?"

Ugh. Yes. Once your kid rapes a drunk girl who is puking AND RECORDS IT he is no longer a good kid.

How much further in the sand could his mother's head be? You raised this monster, now fucking deal with him. Because this isn't his last time.

"I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away."

Yeah there's the "kid got busted drinking in the park with his friends" and then there's "kid rapes a girl and takes a photo" ... not QUITE the same thing.

Can we drop the "good kid/person who made some mistakes" narrative as a defense? The only thing that sentence means is "yes [he/she] is a [rapist/murderer/pedophile/violent bigot], but I [the speaker] still love [him/her]." Honestly, I couldn't care less that you still love your rapist son or violent bigot husband.

I will scream this from the mountain tops for all my days. Comprehensive sex ed is as necessary as a math class. We should be talking about consent and bodily autonomy with kids from day one.

while his parents defend him as a good kid "who's made some mistakes."

Ahahaha, double burn. It's funny because all the ghostwriters have MAs if not PhDs in creative writing (I say based on every ghostwriter I've ever known, even those who ghost wrote the more recent Curious George books.)

Agreed. Bruce Jenner is a fucking American treasure.

kendall's ghostwriter is pippa's ghostwriter understudy

Their cover is just as the prophecy foretold! REPENT! REPENT!

Who is Kendall's ghostwriter, Pippa Middleton?

Thank you! Here's an otter for your troubles.

And, apparently, they used a picture of Stephanie Beacham for their transphobic hack job. Damn you, InTouch. Not only are you assholes but you dared to touch the sacred ground that is Dynasty.

Did I misread something to come away feeling that this was at least a bit supportive? I mean, that photoshop thing is awful and meanspirited and transphobic, and the magazines should see some repercussions of that. I wouldn't piss on Kris Jenner if she was on fire, but on a scale of 1 to her normal famemongering, this

I'm really worried about InTouch and Life & Style, you guise. How will the public react to next week's entirely blank issues? Will we become a nation of journalers?

Other than InTouch being assholes, and Kris having the emotional development of a 10 year old, my main takeaway from this is that Khloe is great.

Christ, Ellie. It's Bruce this and Bruce that. Your lacking of sensitivity towards Kris completely discounts the pain that Kris is feeling over this horrible thing that is happening to Kris' ex-husband and the father of two of Kris' daughters. Honestly. Kris.