
Yeah, seriously!!! Ahhh, a note to some gay men - just because you're gay doesn't make it more okay to touch someone, especially in private areas, without their consent. I had a friend a used to work with (retail) that used to piss me off all the time because he would slap my ass all the time and then would tell me to

I dunno, my mom is pretty chill.

So if a woman dres herself in a lovely dress and puts on some make up, you automatically that she is nothing but a wannabe model obsessed with clothes and fashion? Maybe, just maybe some of them want to look good and also speak of higher things than the color of their panties?

And then have her play Cards Against Humanity?

If it wasn't literally the only question women are ever asked on the red carpet (besides maybe "how's your new baby/husband/someone else by whom I can define you?" or "tell me why your body looks the way it does" in various forms), it would be ok. I mean, I wouldn't have any problem giving a shout out to whatever

I'm pretty sure there is an understanding that the actors mention the designers of said dress maker/provider and the interviewer is just playing his/her part.

Now playing

WORST interview ever is when Isaac Mizrahi groped Scarlett Johansson.

Let's try to force-feed her a couple pounds of butter and see what happens. I mean, butter is a kind of pale yellow-blonde color, so she'll probably find the experience RIVETING and VERY IMPORTANT.

The cat is probably smarter. Also probably less fucking disgusting, even considering that it shits in a box and licks its own ass on the reg.

I think Nancy's got it bad for 2Chainz.

She flunked out of the Kylie Jenner School of Lip Liner

I appreciate Courtney Stodden's outstanding fake eyelash game, but that lip liner is wrong.

DB's a lot like my big toe. I wanna bang him on every piece of furniture in my house.

And, who took the photo?? "Dude, can you take a hot photo of me in a towel to disprove Padding-gate? 'K. Thanks." Well, I demand to know who took the photo or I will not be satisfied that Lol really means Lol... Or something... I don't know anymore...

Ok, I normally don't pull the "we can pay attention to more than one thing at a time" waste of time argument, but...

I always assumed he was just a bunch of intricately stacked tiny dicks.

Ew ew ew ew ew ew DO NOT WANT. No, I do not want to see Li'l Justin. I do not care how big or small Li'l Justin even is. I also do not want regular Justin to ever USE Li'l Justin to make more Justins. Just(in)... no.