
Take a lesson from the pros, you two. THIS is what they call "chemistry"

The funny thing is that it looks like he's actually trying in this picture, but she's not. I find this strange because if this man was in front of me, I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of him and I'm not even getting paid to do it. So why isn't she? Either the pictures are all this bad, or they selected really

I've met her and can tell you this statement is truer than true. It's her lack of self awareness which is something to behold that's the real takeaway though.

It's going to be the 'Showgirls' of this generation. It will wind up living in so-bad-it's- great cult infamy.

If so, it's not working. Everyone loves boobies- even gay guys. In fact, they'll try to touch 'em at the gay bar and tell you to "take the girls out- it's okay, I'm gay!"

I'll see your Keaton kid, and raise by an Eastwood.

"This sweater is so soft. Does he use softener?"

I'm def going with alconlad, we're going to get drunk and heckle the shit out of it. #keepingthesparkalive

This one where they are only touching as necessary and avoiding any eye contact.

I'd like to ask Michael Keaton's cute son whether the songwriters have to actually write in when Jaaaaaason Derulooooo sings his own name in every song or whether that is something that Jaaaaason Derulooooo himself adds.

and in the more you know: he used to be a make up artist before he became an actor.

That picture is more "couple trying to hide their pending divorce from friends" than "couple in Twilight rip off love."

Did you catch any of the red carpet? Giuliana asked Keaton "if you could be a superhero, which would you be"?

Taken. Father of Fannings (Dakota and Elle) is pretty damn hot, not just celebrity-relative hot.

I hope he ends these dude-bro shenanigans before he alienates everyone and no one will be there when he comes out.

I think 'hot son' is the new 'hot brother' as per Lupita last year. Maybe next year will be 'Hot Dad' year.

Did Jeremy Renner make that joke just to show everyone how straight he really is?

Here's my dilemma... Those songs that Douglas wrote are indeed terrible and yet somehow the fact that he wrote them makes him hotter. Hellooooo indeed.

RE Michael Keaton, was anyone else pretending that he was also accepting an award for his outstanding performance in "Multiplicity"?