
As I was reading this I was wondering if the honorable judge had been consulted before the publication of this piece. I'm glad her judgement was requested at the end at least. As merely a humble student of the shade master, I can only say that this *seems* to qualify as shade, but either way, GET IT VIOLA.

I love that you said all of this. And I guess it must be very liberating for your sister to be making new friends who don't see her with all of the baggage that her family necessarily sees. I hope you can all repair your relationships/make good new relationships.

Also, if I had to pick an identity for myself, gender is not what I'd use. I eschew "cisgender male" for my chosen identity of "asshole".

I would probably put the answer thusly: "I was assigned the gender of female at birth, but I don't really fit into the strict gender binary and I'm transitioning my appearance to be more masculine, as I lean toward feeling more masculine of center. My transition will include some hormones and surgical interventions to

This reminds me of the famous Onion article, "Marilyn Mansion Now Going Door-to-Door Trying to Shock People."

That evening, Linda Schmidt was preparing to drive her daughter Alyssa to a Girl Scouts meeting when she found Manson standing on her porch draped in sheep entrails.

My father has honestly done better than my mom - he's a very empathetic dude, and loves my sister regardless of gender and fears losing her - so very similar to me. By the same token, my dad was very much a "hands off" kind of parent, so he doesn't really internalize the guilt and angst that my mom seems to have.

I'm the third act of every movie you've ever seen

In light of the Leelah Alcorn story being in the media lately I have been thinking a lot about parents of trans children and how, even with the best will in the world, it must be quite difficult for them. If you don't mind me asking, how has your father taken it? Has your mother had to have counselling or support

She was wondrous to talk with.

I . . . I didn't even realize that women going to college was something you could be mad about anymore.

The irony of Phyllis Schlafly is that her life is actually a great feminist example. She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire. It's enough to make you wonder if she's really trolling the right, when she

Just for my own clarity a "transgender man" means you were born with female anatomy but identify as male and are transitioning your body towards a male appearance? Hormone therapy for starters, I'd presume?

"In five years you're going to look up and not one of your family members is going to be here."

that transitioning thing legitimately has given me chills. that is some fucking next level, goddess-like thinking. would that we could all be that fucking thoughtful.

But is her middle name is Artisanal ???

It looks like the result of someone who is bad at photoshop usong the blur or smudge tool. Look how it looks like the edges are rounded and theres a hard break towards the darker upper leg, and scalloped going UP his leg. No one gets a reverse tan line in their reverse scalloped leg warmers. You can afford better

Definitely would take dedication to achieve.

Reverse tan lines?

if you remove Michal Keaton's face and pop Michael Stipe's in, it makes more sense.

someone watched a shitton of a clockwork orange and was rolling on molly so they somehow thought it was a groovy loving movie.