
I guess that I wasn't being clear, I wasn't saying that anyone here was saying she was being racist. Madonna was the one saying in her very poorly written post that people were calling her racist, which I don't think they were. People are outraged because she was using images of Mandela and MLK to promote her album


I feel like we clarify this all the time but here I go again:

I don't think it's racist, it's just dumb. You shouldn't co opt dead political leaders and celebrities to whore out your album. She did it with Marilyn, but pretty much everyone does that but she is too stupid to understand that Marilyn isn't MLK, Mandela or even Princess Di.

Maybe the spelling was intentional. Maybe you are entire publication. Whoa burt.

...for which she won an Oscar, IIRC. (Oh to see that dress in color!!)

Also, using photos of leaders of the black community in fucking bondage to promote your(white)self is...not ok.

Madonna fans can't deal with constructive criticism of their goddess. She can do no wrong. Sad, really...

I cringed hard when her post showed up in my fb feed. I actually expected better from her grammar wise. Actually, her grammar was the only thing about this that surprised me.

That rebel heart needs to get in my rebel stomach.

What are you thoughts about Apple using similar leaders in their Think Different Ads?

<3 ya, Burt.

"I'm sorry

Actually, the blog also takes its name from a Bette Davis movie called Jezebel. The choice of the name Jezebel was to demonstrate the laughable hypocrisy in how women who were so-called "Jezebels" were historically vilified thanks in large part to a patriarchal culture obsessed with shaming women for owning their

But it all relates to rebel hearts! Everyone and everything that is good in the world is now branded as a rebel heart! Everything that has ever happened in the world ever is now considered a rebel heart because I keep referring to them as a rebel heart! Btw my new album is called rebel heart! If you don't like my

These people are all Rebel Hearts in one way or another from Martin Luther King to Jesus to Nelson Mandela to John Lennon. YES! Lets celebrate them!

Aaaand I think we can call this one, albeit a little late. Cyndi Lauper won.

I feel like that is part of the beauty of Twitter. Sometimes celebs take control of their own account and you either get delightful and charming text nuggets or a big ol' WTF because their racism, homophobia, or just general tone deafness and disconnect from reality becomes SUPER apparent.

He's the best. I love how in character he is while at the same time being super endearing with that little girl. Like, Disney World did a great job when they hired him.

can someone let Gaston know there is a push up contest happening in my bedroom and he is invited? And by bedroom, I mean my bed. Clothing optional.