
Misleading headline is misleading. I expected something more like...

I'm not sure trolling on reddit is really possible. Reddit is sort of a bridge unto itself.

Mad isn't the right word.

Con yourself into a membership there and once you've gained their trust and complacence BAM lay the menstruation poetry on em!

If you get mad, then he's won. I can't take anyone seriously who would use a phrase like this:

He probably read that Jez article where Tracy (IIRC) spent a day in the "refugee" chat room with Elliott Rodger's compatriots. It's just no fun fantasizing about murdering women and obsessively comparing penis size when icky girls are watching.

Probably not - but that doesn't play in to their "MEN ARE THE REAL VICTIM" narrative.

MRAs expect womenz to troll their sites the way they troll this one. They're under the delusion that the womenz actually want their attention, the way MRA trolls desperately try to get the attention of the womenz here.

Is there a big rash of women seeking out and signing up for MRA sites, by the way? I personally avoid those assholes like doorknobs in flu season. It's some great loss for me I can't go to his shitty blog and read his insipid tripe?

No way this is anything but a Fred Armisen Portlandia character.

Maybe he's been getting extreme plastic surgery like the Human Ken Doll guy.

Dude, she IS you. YOU'RE ALL YOURS.

I'm a big fan of the wine glass, the thumbs up, and clapping emojis. It's all I really need to form a complete sentence.

Tbought that was what the acronym stood for. If they wanted to distance themselves they should have gone with "Racists and Pagents"or "Pedos and Pica".

I don't like the stuff we're learning from The Learning Channel anymore.

Fire In The Sky scared the shit out of me too. Swear to God. I live in Australia so I'm just assuming the top google searches are 'How poisonous is this spider' and 'How to get rid of Tony Abbot.'

I may be exploring a possible future career as a monster erotica author. Right now I am mostly just researching the industry and finding out what career opportunities lie in the field of writing about monster sex.

No, that makes you a reasonable person. I wash my baggies and keep the compost in the freezer.

A steampunk vape pen?

For anyone wondering what Martha Stewart is showing us: it's the arc of the covenant.