
I vote for a literary edition but presidential would be great too!

It surprises me a little that Kanye was self-aware enough to recognize that her verse was the best. But credit to him for saying it to the press.

Totally. I mean he said this: "We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States." Some dictator someplace. I absolutely love that Obama is describing the Supreme Leader of the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea as 'some dictator someplace.'

Can you imagine how many Republicans have had conversation with him and not realized until they were driving home that he had said something shady directly to their face two hours earlier?

that means Franco officially have to change his name to Flacco

A presidential edition of Shade Court would be the greatest Christmas gift ever. Just FYI.

and not Henry Kissinger? :-/

I read your response here, and just had to laugh. What other situation would have you pointing out Dan Savage between Grover Norquist and James Franco?

Is verklempt Yiddish for "Claire Danes cry face?" If not, then it doesn't come close.

"That guy dancing with Couric" was David Hallberg, American Ballet Theater and Bolshoi Ballet principal — and TCR guest. Also there: L'il Buck Riley. Clearly no one here knows dancers!

Thank you Rebecca for posting this so quickly, I was fairly desperate to share feelz with others. I am officially going to bed in tears after rewatching this. Happy tears? Sad tears? Something in between...Verklempt is the word that comes closest

Can I just tell you that when I saw Alan Alda I jumped out of my chair and screamed "ALAN ALDA!!! OMG THERE'S ALAN ALDA!!!" And then I got super teary because he looked so happy to be there. I am a hundred years old.

I think it says a lot about you (in a good way) that the first celebrity you listed was Alan Alda, especially considering he didn't actually show up until about halfway through the song.

Olbermann's Twitter says it was Randy Newman. (lots of fun behind the scene shots there, btw)

You guys I wrote this post in 1 minute and 30 seconds while I got the video. If you leave a rude comment complaining that someone was left out you will be met with the Scourge of Seven Wraiths of the Midnight Blogger. Just drop the names you don't see up there in the comments and I'll add it.

Pfft, I am on the mother's side here.

She's reached Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson levels of annoyance for me.

While blatant, violent racism still exists, it is far less prevalent today, but subtle racism has not changed much over the decades. Distrust of black people is a major part of modern racism. As Cox points out, we have implicit, unconscious biases that manifest in a myriad of ways. Studies have shown that these more

This. Especially this. He should have Brad Pitt's hair from Legends of the Fall.

They look like they could be at a polo match, maybe she snaps one off and gives them to the ponies?