
the "who are these women?" at the end sealed it for me...she sucks.

Women who hate women are the fucking worst. But men who hate women are the fucking worst, too. Misogyny makes you an awful person no matter what your gender.

Could well be true. "Honey, I got our spokesperson to put something together for you. Just saving you the trouble because I know you would want to do this eventually."

She has a point, it is like UVA: a rape probably happened and we probably aren't going to do anything about it.

Having a textbook Narcissist for a father, I can guarantee you she did not write this. She may have not even read it. Classic narcissist move is to speak for others because others, especially your family, are mere extensions of the narcissists sick personality. Don't for a minute think these are her words.

Lou Ferrigno's wife thinks Camille was an enabler based on her account of being attacked by Bill Cosby at their own home. I would go as far as to say she knew she was enabling Cosby's long history of (known) infidelity, but not that she knew he was raping these women.

Turns out that I was also married to a man I didn't know, and yet that didn't change the depth of his dickishness.

I'll say this—not that I've been in her situation but it strikes a chord that is very powerful. I don't know what I'm explaining but I think sometimes it can be hard to discuss why denial and silencing can be so powerful.

So many people are going to cite UVA whenever they don't want to believe a rape has occurred.

They've been paying people off for years. She knew - we didn't give Sandusky's wife a pass and shouldn't give Camille one either.

Yeah, I had a husband like that too. Found out after 25 years he was a complete scum. It happens. I didn't defend him though.

Way more than 20, apparently. I keep seeing dudes who are generally socially progressive, like real leaders in the #Blacklivesmatter movement, posting stuff about how this is a conspiracy against Cosby because he's a positive black role model, or whatever. Super fucking depressing. At least there's always lots of

I hate that whoever was hired to help Bill handle this made Camille give a statement instead of having Bill address the allegations himself. All Bill's said is "thanks to my supporters" and "I hope the black media stays neutral." Camille's being dragged in to call the victims liars. I'm not saying Camille bears no

I'm sure he gaslighted every time she tried to ask him about it. He has for sure made her feel crazy for even considering it to be true.

For "some PR/lawyer," those are piss poor grammar and syntax skills.

Because rape is so often one persons word against another's, I would say when its dozens of people's word against one, maybe this case(s) is different than other rape allegations. How many women need to speak up before their words are equal to Bill Cosby's?

Even if only one woman out of 20 is telling the truth, that means he's still a rapist.

I know it's gotta be hard for it to come out that your husband's a monster (not that she couldn't have known), and I know some PR/lawyer wrote this, but still:

One of my favourite GIFs. Dog don't even care.

While I want her to win, I don't know if that case will work. Anybody in house a law student/lawyer with thoughts on this?

Cute gif to make me feel better