let's talk about my ex boyfriend. he's 5'9, blonde with brown eyes, he went to nyu. he still lives in the city, and he worked at a starbucks while we were in college.
let's talk about my ex boyfriend. he's 5'9, blonde with brown eyes, he went to nyu. he still lives in the city, and he worked at a starbucks while we were in college.
Prominent, my butt. No one remembered the guy until he came forward.
you obviously haven't read the book. Neither of those phrases is in there. I heard that before I read the book and assumed they were real quotes because they were in an article, but they aren't. It's ridiculous to have an opinion and spread hysteria and false accusations about something you haven't read and are…
I don't think she overshared at all. If this person claiming he was defamed is doing anything, he's making her sexual assault all about him
wow "feels like cheating"? Narcissist level fifty.
I don't like her either, but is an article about how she was raped really the place to mention it? If you want to make a point about her own potential assault of her sister, fine, but general dislike of her and comments about her race issues (even if that WAS) a real tweet is pretty damn insensitive. People we don't…
Oh hey my ex did that! He told me to never tell him if another guy touched me without my consent, because it felt like I cheated on him.
Just to clarify (again), because I'm confused. There was a guy named Barry at Oberlin when Lena Dunham was there. Lena Dunham wrote in her book she was raped while at Oberlin, and used the name Barry for her rapist, even though that's not the rapist's real name. Conservative media ID'd real human Barry who was at…
I told an ex I'd been sexually assaulted and he said "yeah, you seem like that kind of girl."
Yup, that happened to me in college. Fun times.
This article is confusing. It is not "Barry" the alleged rapist that is threatening to sue her, it is an actual Barry whose personal details are so similar to "Barry" that people think he is the rapist.
So, let me see if I understand. You think Dunham herself orchestrated the uproar for "molesting" her sister, for reasons of PR?
??? what am i missing ???
Breitbart. It's always Breitbart. I remember when he died, I read a few obits putting him in a positive light while completely ignoring he was a hateful little troll who launched the careers of an entire generation of hateful little mini trolls trying to one-up him.
Oh, come on. I don't particularly like Lena Dunham; she has done and said a lot of problematic shit, but this is not at all what she is saying. She is taking the common tropes people use to blame victims for their assaults ("Why didn't she go to the police? Why didn't she tell anyone?" and so on) and saying that how a…
I will be the first to defend her book. It was awesome and honest on a level that I don't think you see very often. I'm sure her rape wasn't easy to write about.
So ... basically Breitbart assumed Lena (and her publisher) have the IQs of wet cotton and badly want to be sued and therefore used a guy's real name in the book? And then having done so, he set out to prove this person who Lena quite probably forgot even existed, as I doubt she would have intentionally used a real…
Do you spend a lot of time rounding up gifs for people you hate? And reading articles about them?
Wow. So edgy.