
His place is so clean and generically decorated! Do you think he used the photos from the ads before he moved in, and photoshopped the Lays in to add some personality, or do you think he cleaned up real nice before taking pictures so he could prey on the homeless girl of his dreams?

Not this lady. I hate him as Spider Man. Tobey Maguire has one facial expression and it unfortunately is always one that makes him look like he needs to fart or take a shit.

I'll say this for Leo: at least he didn't spend a year praising the timeless, fairy-tale love he had with his wife while banging other women.

I'm not a fan of Leo's movies, but the Pussy Posse business doesn't bother me. He's telling everybody right up front who he is. He likes women for how they look, & how they make him look, by extension. There are far too many guys especially that say what they know they're "supposed" to say, but have Leo's value system

If I left with a gaggle of hot people, I wouldn't even have sex with them. I'd have a sexy pillow fight. It'd look something like this:

Is Leo like using the Jonas brothers as bait to chum the waters for much younger women?

It's gotta be the goal of every once-great, womanizing, Laker-loving actor, right?

I am sick and tired of the way Jezebel consistently and repeatedly gets basic facts of the matter wrong just in an effort to make the subjects of their writing, usually male, look worse than they actually do.

And, of course, an asshole from Entourage. Because no Hollywood Pussy Posse is complete without the inclusion of an asshole from Entourage.

The older Leo gets the more he looks like Jack Nicholson

sorry just imagining Tobey Maguire awkwardly picking up girls with Leo and giggling uncontrollably

I already have friends saying this is the next Duke lacrosse scandal. It's not really. Saying "well one of the anecdotes was maybe false so all of them must be crying rape over nothing" is ridiculous. The real conversation here needs to be about how the university was sweeping sexual assault under the rug, but now

Oh, yeah, I agree people could have easily been at the house whether it was a formal event or not. The main problem with the date discrepancy is it would have been easy to check on. Not having done so looks sloppy and gives UVa truthers an easy point.

What do you EXPECT them to say? The way people act like rapists and apologists would earnestly own up is striking, especially seeing as how for DECADES, researchers (Lisak, Koss) have found that rapists will admit everything BUT the word. And it's not at all uncommon for people to do an about face once a friend

Acknowledging that none of know what happened that night, I also believe that this woman suffered an assault. I'm horrified by what RS has done here and it doesn't seem like they are yet able to figure out how to right their wrongs. Good intentions and the road to hell.

There's so much horrible shit here I'm not even sure where to begin, but for now I'll just say, color me incredibly unsurprised that the Greek system thinks it's the REAL victimized party because activities were "suspended" during a period when school was not in session. Who gives a shit about the systematic way rape

My opinion is that something horrible happened to Jackie. I don't know if it was a three-hour gang rape by seven guys, as she told RS, or being forced into oral sex by a smaller number, as she originally told her friends. But she's consistently said she was raped by multiple people, she was clearly traumatized, and

Stay tuned for the next installment of Heroic Moments in Mom Pandering.

Elisabeth does know she has a couple kids, right? She seemed surprised about moms doing it all.

It is a weak, weak statement, but Hefner does get a couple points for not flat-out denying it could have occurred.