
so reminiscent of Marcus Bachmann's "barbarians need to be disciplined."

natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed.

I didn't tell him to go and commit suicide. I said I prayed that he would.

Kind of ironic how the - supposedly - most religious and faithful of people fail so utterly at basic compassion (and theology).

I would like to apologize on the behalf of New Zealand for this horrible excuse for a human being. Most of us a better than that filth.

When I was a kid, it was the bowling alley at 4pm on Sunday. 4-6pm exactly. Time for 1 game, then a burger. Occasionally, it was a movie other than the bowling alley - again, same 2h time frame. These were all fathers who had every weekend from Friday to Sunday.

I'm also partial to the Riker one.

Yeah, when a movie is eight years old, I think we're pretty much past the point of needing to put up spoiler alerts. In other news, the Titanic sinks, Soylent Green is made of people, and "Rosebud" is the name of the sled.

What drives me especially crazy is how they don't acknowledge that the same system "giving all the women all of the custody" is born out of the bullshit notion that a child belongs at home with it's mother because men are doing important men type work shit to be bothered. Also known as the patriarchy. It hurts both


You dummies forgot to call dibs on Idris Elba, which means I will be taking him to my polyandrist compound where he and Gael Garcia Bernal shall live as brother husbands.

They don't lack any rights, therefore there is no need for any kind of movement. And they benefit enormously from patriarchy, so I really don't buy any of that.

I would love if there was a real men's rights movement where they cleaned up their patriarchy bullshit and started taking responsibility for their own entitled choices, understanding their issues are a result of patriarchy, not feminism. Instead there are losers who don't want to take responsibility for their bad

People and the media even completely disregard the killers' own words to avoid any talk about how misogyny is a huge problem. Both Lepine and Rodger left manifestos where they couldn't have been more clear on their motives if they had written "I'm killing all these women because I hate women", but people and the media

A "crazy person" who apparently made his own home-brew of misogyny in a vacuum.

Exactly. It's not even excuses so much as it's just completely missing (or deliberately side-stepping) the core of the issues that drive men to kill women, individually or en masse.

But let's use every excuse we can to try to paint this and Elliot Rodger's attacks as anything but a world-wide, history-wide hatred for women. It's fucking sad all right! 25 years later and the exact same shit is still happening and people are still making excuses.

"They want to retain the advantages of being women...while trying to grab those of men."

It is disturbing to be the amount of mental logistics people will go through to try to imply that these women weren't killed for being educated women. This is what happens when we condone a society that devalues women and mocks those that attempt to make changes.