
So do "atheist," "Christian," "Jew," "Democrat," "Libertarian" and "Republican." If I said I was Jewish, would you automatically associate me with the Chabad movement? Of course you wouldn't. All movements have crazies or people who go to far/in a direction you don't agree with. You don't need to throw the baby out

No rape is a word AND an act. Feminism is a word AND a political viewpoint. It's not selective employment of logic, it's understanding the appropriate context for when you should and should not demonize a world. The word "rape" at it's worst should have horrible and violent connotations. Feminism at it's worst just

It's only false equivalence if you don't know what false or equivalence means. "I don't identify with [large and varied group] because I don't agree with [small portion of group or singular event]". You can slot both examples in there, so they are equivalent. But fine, even if you ignore my example, the simple fact is

First of all, if you read the above post, I was responding to the other guy's claim of " I stand for what Terry stands for" Look at the discussion at hand before you lead off with calling BS on a statement you do not know the context of.

It isn't petty, nor is it any of the other words you've used in your efforts to dismiss it, all while attempting to explain while you are above it. That is astonishing arrogance, and marked disrespect.

You do care about the movement, because it is working toward the things you have said that you stand for. You won't

I think the struggle is that people who are anti-feminist have worked so hard to take that word away from us, and make the word into something it's not. Of course there are shitty people who call themselves feminists that don't deserve to use the title, but to movement is about gender equality. So whether you like it

I would argue that it is, in fact, rather shameful for you to say that "I stand for feminism, but I won't use the label because I dislike its baggage." You think it's acceptable, and perhaps worth supporting, but not enough for you to personally deal with any fallout that may result of your accepting the movement. You

If you ascribe to the basic tenets of feminism (which you seem to), then the comment clearly wasn't directed at you. Your nitpicking over how you choose to label yourself doesn't really change the fact that people who believe in gender equality are, by definition, feminists.

By way of analogy: I disagree with Richard

No. It just a word. If Terry doesn't have problem with it, it shouldn't bother you that much. If you are for what Terry is for, yet you wish to fall short of using the same label Terry is not afraid to use, you're excluding yourself for the most inconsequential of reasons.

No, I'm just wondering why you say you support gender equality but want to "hedge your bets" by not accepting a (truly innocuous) label that makes your support for gender equality unquestionable. If it truly is innocuous, than you won't mind being called that. You can't flip that accountability back on those

The only "baggage" a word has is the baggage you choose to bring to it. If you sincerely support feminist causes, a "label" wouldn't be a deal breaker. Also, if you are going to use a nebulous rationale like "certain camps" and justification for not embracing a innocuous label, you open yourself up to the assumption

Sorry, but your reasons for not calling yourself a feminist are equivalent to not calling yourself a physicist because you disagreed with the Manhattan Project. If you truly stand for gender equality, that makes you a feminist.

Same thing with men right now. If you don't say anything, you are, by your silence—it's acceptance. I'm not going to be silent.

I hate Man Code BS. Why I should I protect you for being a douchebag or worse just because we both have the same type of genitals? Especially since you'd sell me out in a heartbeat if I did something wrong. It's just a way that predators enforce silence, and if we stood up and didn't feel guilt about violating a code

Can we get Terry to do a Jez Q&A??? Is someone working on that? Please someone be working on that.

This, right here, is why we NEED allies.

I also think this is like the absolute perfect example for how men can comment and participate in feminism, you know besides believing that women deserve equal treatment and living your life in a way to ensure that happens. Too often do men enter feminist spheres and end up trying to dominate the conversation and

At first when you said "particularly choice excerpts", I was afraid you were being sarcastic and I was cringe-reading. And then I got very happy. Terry Crews for President.

Crews putting the patriarchy to bed.