
I assume the OP is making fun of the people who say Lorde is old/the whole stupid rumor, not themselves saying it's true.

You do not understand the joke.

If we click enough times, it will be...

After the last couple of years of Kanye dressing her, no wonder she was so happy to be naked.

Is it weird that I thought the most notable thing about this whole spread was the fact that Kim actually had facial expressions in a photograph that were not obviously, "Hello, I am being sultry now"?

I'm kinda on the edge with this one. Is she being objectified or is she just expressing her sexuality? Because I don't see Kim as particularly opressed. She manages her image/sexuality quite well, no regrets, no false morality. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn't anger me. Plus Lorde just rules.

I went to a school district that did this for the first day of deer hunting season, bc a lot of dads would pull their sons out for all day hunting. It was just accepted. I wonder how many it was, or if those on the school board just wanted the day off to hunt, too?

I am an Agnostic because of Sunday School. As soon as they said "School on Sunday" I was like:

Zero, actually. In 2015, Eid ul Fit falls on the same day as Yom Kippur, which the schools already take off. The Muslim families just asked that on the school calendar, the holiday be noted as both Yom Kippur and Eid ul Fit. Their response was to stop mentioning any religious holidays on the calendar, even though

I get that these people are doing this to be assholes, but in reality, on all my school calendars growing up, it was listed as Winter Break and not Christmas Break, which makes sense since there were plenty of students who didn't celebrate Christmas. So, in doing the dickish thing aren't they just doing the right

Was just listening to this story on Kojo Nnamdi (local NPR show in the DMV) and two things to note:

I wish Yom Kippur were actually a tasty holiday...

I would just like to use this opportunity to mention that the very same people who trying to pass laws banning the supposed threat of Sharia Law, are also trying to force "Christian Law" into actual law..... Because in America you are free to practice your religion as long as it's Christianity, you are free to carry a

TOOOOOOOOTALLY not about Islamophobia though. I heard it's about ethics in journalism.

So, wait, does that mean the kids won't get days of for Christmas? I'm confused. ETA: I see, there are days off for Christmas but they're not calling them days off for Christmas. So, to spite the Muslims, the Christians will join the "happy holidays" movement, and enroll in the war against Christmas that FoxNews is

This is amazing, much like his 17-layer bow tie. That thing's gotta violate SOMETHING in Leviticus.

The musical remix actually make this situation less absurd.