Kid never looks anything but completely miserable. And very pale, even for a pale male. Does he never go outside?
Kid never looks anything but completely miserable. And very pale, even for a pale male. Does he never go outside?
When victims of assault can actually be sued, often successfully, by their assailants...
What about all the people who work on her show who aren’t writers, but have been out of work for the last several months?
I can’t believe a conservative Republican would have so much callous disregard for a pregnant person’s health. Unbelievable.
I can fathom that Jill doesn’t fully hate her parents. She is entitled to those emotions, no matter how weird we think it is.
Honestly, I think this is as good as Jill's grasp on reality is going to get. Major scandals with her parents, church, and brother combined with a decent husband won't be enough to undo the decades of fucked up shit she was raised with.
The Republican mindset in a nutshell. They just don’t give two shits about ANYONE besides themselves and act like petulant children when asked to change any behavior or belief...and then will try to move mountains to restrict you from things they disagree with (until they need it in which case they will happily handle…
Of course she vapes. She probably has truck nuts on the brodozer she drives too. This is probably frowned upon on this sites comment section but this woman is a giant, entitled BITCH. How in the holy fuck is this person an elected official?
Beobert is the trailer trash that won lottery
What makes it even worse is that she thinks she’s hot shit, but as a teen or someone in their early 20's. She doesn’t carry hot shit like an adult, but more so like a tempestuous, spoiled kid of rich, separated parents that didn’t fight for custody of her.
God she thinks she is such. hot. shit. Maddening.
It’s absolutely frightening to me that Boebert can behave this way, confident that she will suffer no consequences from her constituency.
“No officer wants to take a life...
And also... Way to prove Jill's point, Jim Bob!
It’s so emblematic of modern evangelicalism.
A couple who deliberately put their family on display on TV is now asking for privacy. Go for it, you hypocrites. It’s people like that that is killing religion.
He also chose his son over the welfare of his daughters. He’s a piece of shit and I hope he and Michelle spend the rest of their lives having to clean dog shit (that I’m hoping people will throw) off his house every day for the rest of his life.
That documentary was so uncomfortable to watch. It’s amazing the contortions people will put themselves through when there’s money to be made. The man, literally, chose money of the physical safety of his child, then presents himself as the victim.
As Americans are wont to do, they are conflating having money with intelligence.
Admittedly, I know very little about the Jonas Brothers other than recalling their cringey ‘purity rings’ period, but for some odd reason this dude always gave off creepy vibes to me, so I doubt I’d be too shocked to hear any weird news about him.