
I just started crying. Loved Pembleton. Always loved it when he showed up in things.

I do enjoy laughing at DeSantis.

My husband is 5'7". I am 5'11". We never had a problem. There are tall women who will date men under 6'. Our boys are over 6'. I have always had a problem with men lying about their height. 

There are no product names or links. How do we find these?

They are at least better than the Comedy Central ones.

I hope not. She is the reason I stopped watching Agents of Sheild.

Isn’t this why Joey was killed off of Days Of Our Lives?

I like it too. The only way my kids will text me is through Discord. I only use it to talk to my boys though.

I have read the Sanderson books because my son reads them. He is turning 22 this year. He feels about Sanderson the way I did about Stephen King when I was his age. I think the books are ok and my son loves them. I have to ask my son lots of questions about the worldbuilding while I am reading the books. For context,

I use cranberry pill every day to prevent UTI’s. I catch them easily since my cancer treatments. It is working for me. I don’t think it is a cure but more of a preventative measure.

I have dense breasts. I had a mamogram when I turned 40. It was in October and it was clear. By May, I had a baseball sized tumor in my left breast. Having an MRI would have made a huge difference for me. By the time things were figured out, I was stage 3. A week or two later I would have progressed to stage 4 because

I have a college educated cousin who has become a anit-vax trumper. She makes a tea out of boiled pine needles from her yard to treat covid but a vaccination is just “crazy”.

So happy this wasn’t a slide show. Bless you.

In the mid 80s, I lived in West Memphis, AR which is not far from Forrest City. The first church we went to when we moved there had a black member. The pastor called him an oreo in front of the whole congragation. Everyone acted like it was a term of enderment. I am not surprised things haven’t changed.

Also, remember that Iron Man 3's main villian was supposed to be a woman but the higher ups didn’t think a woman villian could carry the movie so we got Guy Pierce. They finally let the woman be the villian and she did carry the movie.

You are doing the Lord’s work

You are doing the Lord’s work. I hate slideshows.

I am surprised it tasted good because what you were given looks distgusting. I thought it would at least be similar to the pictures while not exact.

You forgot Chadwick Boseman

I agree. What upsets me here is that Megan McCain spreads false information and nothing was done. Whoopi was explaining what race meant to her and that the Nazis were deeply evil. I don’t understand why she was suspended other than she is black.